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Kokichi's POV

                   I was sitting in Miu's makeshift lab after rantaro managed to put him in sleep mode. It was and eerie silence in the room. The image of his pink eyes still made me confused.
                   "Well it seems somebody hacked his systems and tried to attack you" Miu explained. "Well that would explain his pink eyes" I responded. She nods about it. I grumbled at the fact that things were just starting to look up and then this.
                  Miu ruffled my hair grabbing my attention from my lap "Don't sweat it beat I got it covered". I smiled but it quickly turned to a frown as tea RSS pricked my eyes. "I'm sorry... I jus-.. I just can't take much more of this right now!" I exclaimed. She sighed and gave a look to rantaro and mouthed something I couldn't make out through the tears that were falling.
                  Rantaro nodded and started to roll me away. I pushed the levers to lock the wheels into place. He grumbled and pulled me out of the chair. "Put me down right now!" I yelled and pounded my fist on his back weakly.
                He walked somewhere that i couldn't make out. Eventually as I was lightly thrown down on a couch I let out a girly scream. He laughed at it.
                I glared at him and if looks could kill rantaro would be six feet under. He stopped laughing at me and grabbed a blanket off another couch.
                 Everything was watery looking as I was still sobbing. When he walked away I instantly tried to get up and run out. He wrapped a blanket around me capturing my arms and torso. He pulled me onto the couch. I was trapped in an unwanted comfort burrito.
               I don't even know how long we sat there until a door creaked open. It was Shuichi we both caught his eyes. He looked confused and walked over. It must have been surprising with the fact that rantaro was practically holding me hostage.
                  My eyes were still being waterfalls. Rantaro got up and glared at me to stay put. He was talking with Shuichi behind me.
                 I paid them no mind. I don't want their pity I just want to see what was wrong with kiibo and go back to normal. I would have already broken out of the burrito I was trapped in if rantaro didn't treat it like wrapping cause around a flesh wound, And it didn't help that my arms were trapped at my side.
                   I was frustrated, upset, and stressed all at the same time. Anytime I tried to stop crying the fact of all these emotions practically suffocating me made them come back.
                   I started to fight against my restraints even more. Rantaro said something i didn't catch before walking outside with Shuichi. I managed to get out while they weren't there. Although I fell while getting up and instead deciding that crawling my way around was a better idea cause I barely walk.
                   I had to move fast knowing rantaro would be back soon. I felt like a toddler again like what Junko implied. Helpless and weak but I had to see Kiibo. I escaped Junko I can escape from my friends.
                   I dragged myself to the other entrance of the main room. It was open which I'm glad about.
                   I had finally mustered up enough energy to stand up and walk. While I was doing that I bumped into Kaito and maki. Both confused on where Kiibo was, and why I wasn't in my wheelchair.
                   My face must also have been red from all the crying I was doing. "What on earth are you doing" maki grumbled. "Just walking back to Miu's lab" I answered and started my fast  walk around them. Stumbling every time I took a step.
                  I noticed they were following me. It was a short walk back to Miu's lab which thankfully I made. Maki and Kaito didn't follow me in.
                 Miu was surprised by me coming inside and locking the door. I sat in my wheelchair and sighed. "Thought you were with avacado" she remarked. "Not anymore" I responded. She nodded and went back to work on Kiibo. "Well lucky for you I'm done with upgrading Kiibos sensors" she stated and I lit up.
                  She laughed at my excitement. "All we have to do is wait for him to wake up and he should be fine" Miu said walking out leaving me with Kiibo.
                  It was over 20 minutes before somebody burst through the door. That person was Shuichi with Rantaro close behind him. He sighed when he spotted me.
                 "You scared the hell out of us!" Rantaro screeched nearly grabbing me out of my chair again. "Well you scared me with that over the top reaction earlier!" I yelled back. He froze "we were both stressed and you know that" he snarled "you were stressed! My boyfriend was losing his mind and you think you were stressed!" I snarled back angrily.

Kiibos POV

                 I woke up to a door slamming, kokichi crying, and Shuichi trying to comfort him. I got up and lightly moved Shuichi away and hugged kokichi.
                He calmed down after a while. "What happened?" I asked Shuichi "he and rantaro had a fight" he answered. I let go of the hug not without kokichi grabbing onto my arm as if his life depended on it.
                 "Hey... I'm just gonna get you back to the room okay?" I stated he weakly nodded and let go of my arm. His hands rested in his lap getting a firm grip on the hem of his shirt.
                As soon as we were in the room and I moved him into bed he wrapped his arm tightly around me. I did the same. He buried his face in my neck and I put my face in his unruly purple hair.
                  Before I could ask what
His fight was he fell asleep. It was surprising that he and rantaro fought they were close friends.
                 I pushed that off and fell asleep keeping my tight grip on kokichi.
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