Chapter 1

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Pavol POV

The first day of 11th grade and I'm already late. Quickly rushing off the bus I run into the school and shove my way past the frantic freshman. I look down at my watch as the time reads 8:29 a.m before bolting up the stairs and onto the second floor. Speeding down the hall I hold onto my bag as I round the corner. I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make I -.

Someone turns the corner same time as me causing a head-on collision. The bell rings as I lay flat on the ground. I adjust my glasses and sit up rubbing my aching shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I turn my head to the person I crashed into. 

A girl with a light blue sundress and yellow flowers sits on her knees while looking at me with worry in her eyes. Her skin glows from the sunlight running down the hallway and shining directly on her. My eyes follow the black and purple braids that cascade down her shoulder and to her chest.

"Are you okay?" I snap out of my daze and immediately stand up. I nod my head while one of my hands clutch my shoulder.

She stands up and gives a quick awkward smile. 

"Are you sure you are holding your shoulder, do you need to go to the infirmary?" She asks concerned. I once again nod my head in a sort of daze.

Before I know it I'm in the school infirmary while the girl sits on one of the blue plastic chairs across from me as we wait for the nurse to arrive. I stare at her from the infirmary bed admiring her beauty. 

She glances in my direction and quickly looks down. I watch her play with the ring on her finger.

"Alright, what's the damage." A man that looks around the age of 40 with a balding head of hair walks into the room and grabs his clips board.

"I was in a rush this morning and accidentally ran into her." I point at the girl and she immediately looks up. She bites her lip and looks in between me and the nurse.

"I wasn't paying attention though which is why this all happened." She says with her head hung low. Why is she blaming herself for the accident? It was my fault I was speeding down the hall.

The nurse sighs and tells me to roll up my sleeve. He waves his hand in the girl's direction telling her she's free to go.

I catch the last glimpse of her blue dress before she leaves the room. 

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