Chapter 29

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Pavol POV

Deux semaines. It's been two weeks since I've been grounded and I'm incredibly miserable. Not only because I can't go anywhere besides school and home but I seldom get to see Avery. Sure I'll see her in class and during lunch but I'm not able to walk her home anymore or enjoy any real private time with her. With my freedom taken away I'm slowly losing motivation to keep up with my school work. Maybe that explains my dropping grades. 

It's 6:59 p.m and I just stare blankly at my french homework, still wondering why it won't do itself. 

"Merde! Je suis fatigue." I rub my eyes with the back of my hands as I slouch down to rest my head on the desk. I close my eyes but then I hear the door swing open and in walks Miguel. I spin around in my chair and find him stuffing a chocolate eclaire in his mouth. He licks his fingers before speaking.

"What's up." My stomach begins to grumble. When was the last time I ate something... Oh yeah during lunch although that was 6 hours ago. I stand up out of the chair and stretch my arms above my head causing some cracking.

"Where'd you get that eclaire?" I question.

"Mama and Papa bought some." I nod my head and head to leave the study but Miguel pats my shoulder.

"Oh sorry Pavol they're all finished." He says with a fantom smirk. I knit my brows together in annoyance.

"Quoi? Pourquoi!." I say lifting my arms in frustration. I continue.

"Why didn't you offer me any?!" Miguel shrugs his shoulders as he licks his lips.

"I thought you didn't like eclaires." He says. I narrow my eyes before speaking.

"What th- what the fuck is wrong with you? Eclaires are my favourite dessert!" And with that I storm out of the room pissed and march into the living room. There my parents sit reading silently at opposite ends of the table.

"Vraiment? You don't offer me an eclaire?" I say sounding vexed. Mama looks up from her novel and raises her brow before closing it.

"Pavol we didn't tell you because you don't deserve to have one. Remeber you're grounded and you don't deserve simple luxuries such as your favourite food until you begin to behave. Compris." She stands up and begins to head to he kitchen. I trail behind her and grunt.

"Ugh mais mama maitenant I'm good, I've been behaving for the past to weeks so can you just drop this punishment already." She doesn't face me but instead begins to put dishes away.

"Pavol the way your acting right now just shows me how immature you are, and you most definitely still are grounded." I move the the other side to face her.

"But that's not fair!" I ball my fists up in anger and pull the dish out of her hand before setting it on the counter.

"Why am I always being targeted by you and papa while Miguel gets off scott free?" I continue.

"I never do anything mama, I'm simply being myself and you and papa find a way t-"

"Pavol enough." She says sternly.

"But mam-" She turns to me and glares. I immediately fear what she'll do so I back down. Without saying another word she finishes putting the dishes away then opens the oven. 

"Voila, Ratatouille." She sets the cast iron skillet on the table and pulls out a plate and utensils. 

"Asseoir." She pulls out the chair and ushers me to sit. I groan as I take a seat. 

"Your hungry, then eat." She then leaves the kitchen and leaves me there staring at the Ratatouille. Je déteste Ratatouille. 

After eating I head upstairs and into the shower. I let the steaming water wash over my body as I pour a generous amount of shampoo on my head. As I wash my hair I can't help but feel pissed off. And as I get out of the shower I grumble to myself all the way up until I'm in my pyjamas and sitting in bed. Miguel looks up from his phone and raises his brow.

"Someones in a bad mood." He says. I only ignore him and throw my blanket over my head before resting my head on the pillow. I toss and turn for a few seconds before screaming.

"Ugh Putaine! This pillow is too stiff!" I stand up and fling the pillow at Miguel before snatching his.


"Tais toi!" I yell before laying back on my bed with the new pillow.

"Wow Pavol your going to be like that huh?" Miguel says shaking his head. I turn away from him and face the wall instead.

I'm pissed.

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