Chapter 23

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Avery POV

I'm meeting Pavol's family today and I'm nervous. I put on my polka dot red ruffle trim dress which flows to just above my kneecaps then slide on my black opaque stockings then pair them with red ballet flats. I take a step back to check my self out spinning a few times in the mirror I give my self a week thumbs up and head to my desk. I don't own that much makeup because I rarely wear any but this is a special occasion so I think my face deserves some pampering. Applying red lipstick and a black mascara I turn my head side to side while pursing my lips. I think I actually look good!... I think. I throw my hair down and decide to leave in untied.

Since Pavol got his electronics back yesterday he's been texting and calling me non-stop. I don't mind him wanting to talk to me but the constant ding coming from my phone can get really annoying. I switch off my ringer and grab my black purse and slide on my red plaid coat which cascades down to my shins. I stand at the window looking out towards the street anxiously biting the tip of my thumb. My parents are working so they ordered a taxi for me since I'm not fully familiar with french public transportation. A few minutes pass before  I see a black taxi pull up to the curb.

20 minutes later

I pull up to a small white house that consists of four windows on the exterior and a cobblestone path leading up to the wooden porch. Exiting the car I slowly walk up the path and check out the wooden birdfeeder hanging from one of the trees shadowing the cobblestone pathway. Stepping down the walkway then up to the wooden porch I take a step the wooden stairs, the planks under my feet groan and creek until I make it across the wooden deck and to the black door. There is a silver knocker but no doorbell. Okay, Avery don't mess this up, just be calm, cool, and collected... easier said than done.  I pull back the silver knocker and pound it three times against the door. 

Moments later I hear shuffling and rushed whispers before the door swings open. There stands Pavol looking more handsome than ever. He's styled his wild chocolate curls to the point where that they sit nicely on his head and the ends curl around the back of his ears. He's wearing a black blazer white blouse and black dress pants. Before I can step in he embraces me in a heartfelt hug and pulls me into the house.

"Bienvenue Bienvenue!" I smile and look up into his eyes. He ushers me to take off my coat then hangs it inside a closet. I slide off my flats and leave them next to the door. Pavol drags me further into the cozy home until I'm in the living room. There's a set of plates in front of each chair. 

"Avery you look gorgeous." He pecks me on the cheek before exiting the living room. I sit there blushing from embarrassment when I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"Hi Av- Wow." Miguel stands there and looks me up and down before quickly looking away, he clears his throat and sits in the chair beside me. 

" Avery you look gorgeous." At this point, I feel like I've just walking into a fire because I'm burning up. 

"Uh t-thankyou." I grab the sides of my seat and curl my hands around it while I look around the quaint room. They have a fireplace... do people even use fireplaces any more?  Omg are those pictures of Pavol and Miguel when they were kids!

"Ah I see you've found our childhood photos." Miguel gets up and brings the photo frames over to the table then lays them in front of me. I see one kid with missing front teeth and a bald head and one with a uni-brow and buck teeth.

"Who is who?" Miguel grins and points at the kid with the bald head.

"That's Pavol." My mouth drops in surprise.

"Huh? He looks so different?!" 

"Hahaha yeah, puberty hit him like a truck." I look at the bucktooth kid then up at Miguel he smiles and all I see is a row of perfectly straight teeth.

"I had braces to fix my rabbit teeth." I giggle then look back at the photos.

Pavol walks back into the room with bowls and spoons and places them at every spot. Then he walks back around the table to take a seat next to me.

"My parents should be here in a few minu-" As if on cue the door swings open and in walks his parents.

"Pavol's mother walks in wearing a tight black dress and small pearl earrings, and whom I assume to be his father walks in with a briefcase a heavy overcoat and gray dress pants. He's pale like Miguel and his once blonde hair is fading to gray, his father's ice blue eyes land on me and I immediately look away. His tall stature and brute physique make him look more like a heavyweight champion then a businessman. He looks intimidating. Pavol was right about his dad having a resting bitch face.

They both shuffle into the kitchen and begin bringing out food and placing it on the table. Dishes I've never seen before are being piled onto the table and before I can pick up my fork Pavol has already ladled some soup into my bowl along with some bread and salad. The smell of all the food makes my mouth water and I grab my spoon and dip it into the soup. Mhm, delicious.

" What type of soup is this?" I say quietly. 

"Bisque." Pavol's mom chimes in.

" Oh w-well I've never had it before but man is it tasty." The room is silent after that and I regret even speaking. I continue to eat my soup.

" Avery Pavol has told us a lot about you, he won't stop talking about you." My face flushes for the umpteenth time tonight and I look over to Pavol who is face first in his food. He looks up from his plate and dabs his mouth with a napkin then speaks. 

"Oui. It's true Avery I'm obsessed with you." He looks at me intensely sending a jolt through my body. His hand finds its way to the crook my back and he begins rubbing.

"Ever since he has met you his been  much more trouble, however, Avery don't seem like the trouble of maker." His father's broken English and heavy french accent doesn't take away from is flinty tone. I gulp down the rest of my soup and smile awkwardly.

"Don't  be tense Avery my Papa's always like this." Pavol squeezes my hand while he whispers into my ear. 

Later that night

"Well Avery it was so nice to meet you and I'll be seeing you again in the near future." Pavol's mom gives me a wink and a light hug followed by a kiss on the cheek.

I wave goodbye and slide on my shoes and coat. Miguel had offered to drive me home so I said yes. I walk outside with Miguel but before we get to the car Pavol comes rushing out of the house.

" Attends-moi!" He runs up to the car and pulls the door up ushering me to slide into the back seat.

We peel out of the driveway and onto the street. Miguel switches on the radio. It's just me and Pavol with our fingers interlaced while we sit in the back seat of the car. His head rests on my shoulder as he plays with my fingers. He pulls his head off my shoulder and takes my face in his hand turning me towards him. Our lips connect and begin moving in sync. He tastes like Bisque and I love it. Nothing but the sound of the radio and our lips smooching fills up the car. Miguel heavily sighs and cranks up the radio to drown out our sounds. 

" I love how you taste Avery." He looks into my eyes and leans back in for another kiss. I feel like I'm melting but in a good way.

20 minutes later

 We arrive at my place and I thank Miguel for the drive. I watch as the car reverses and eventually drives away.

What a night.

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