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"Chaeyoung, please. I'm begging you." Lisa said.

"Wait. I honestly don't understand why you want me to go with you. I don't know most of the people there. Besides, you're the social butterfly. You surely don't need me there." Chaeyoung responded while looking confusedly at her best friend.

Lisa pouted at Chaeyoung in response.

"What's the matter? Are you this anxious of becoming a godmother?"

Trying to hide the hesitation in her voice, Lisa answered, "Y-Yeah. Yeah! I am. Totally! I mean, what if I can't be the best godmother that I should be? What if I don't fit the role? What if I'm not a good enough role model? You know . . . It's just not my thing. Please, Chaeyoung."

"If that's what you're worried about, I don't see how my coming with you can help you with anything."

"Well . . . moral support?" Lisa answered with a hopeful grin.

"You're starting to sound ridiculous." Chaeyoung eyed Lisa who looked tense as she started biting her nails. "What are you doing? I thought you already stopped this bad habit of yours. Stop biting your nails, Lisa."

Chaeyoung pulled Lisa's hand away and looked straight into her troubled eyes.

"Lis, what's wrong? Tell me." She asked, shaking Lisa's shoulders.

After a few seconds of complete silence, Lisa finally revealed the real reason to her request.

"Chae . . . it's Bambam."


Lisa nodded in response, looking down to her restless hands and avoiding her best friend's piercing gaze.

"What do you mean it's Bambam? Is it the same dickhead Bambam?"

"Chaeyoung . . ." Lisa whined.

"What?! Seriously Lisa, are you still going to defend that scumbag? While you were busy with your training in New York, he was also busy himself . . . banging some other chick. Argh! Yet here you are, still defending him. Tsk. Tsk."

"I know, I know. I tried, alright? I'm trying, really." Lisa answered while bowing her head in defeat as a lone tear rolled down her cheek.

Chaeyoung cleared her throat after noticing Lisa's mood. She heaved a deep sigh before answering.

"So . . . How does Bambam fit in this christening? Don't tell me . . ."

"No, no, it's not like that. It is his sister's baby."

"I thought you cut all communication with everyone who was associated with him."

"I did. But a month ago, his sister went to Paladra with her husband. They didn't know that I was working there. It was all a coincidence. I promise."

"I believe you. Go on."

"Thanks. We talked for a while and she frequented Paladra a few more times after that."

"And why am I only hearing this now?"

"I didn't know it meant anything until now. You know how indebted I feel towards Bambam's sister, right? She helped me throughout my OJT in New York. If she didn't offer to watch over me while I was having my training in New York, my parents wouldn't have allowed me to proceed with it."

"Yeah, I know. So is she back here for good?"

"No. She's only staying here for a couple of months with her baby. Her husband was just visiting that time they went to Paladra. Also, she really wanted to have her baby's christening here since most of their relatives are still here anyway."

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