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I'm sorry for updating this late. I was kind of busy the past week. But I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. 😘

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“Elevator? What are you . . . Oh no! Really? That was you?” Chaeyoung asked after remembering the incident.

Jungkook nodded his head as he answered. “Yup! Before we proceed just a quick question, why were you wearing an all-white long dress back then?”

“About that . . . I just got hired at Hephaestus that time. I came to the office to drop by some documents. And I was headed to Jeju for a short vacation.”

“Okay. So . . . Like I said, the incident at the elevator was the first time we met. And believe it or not, I was completely mesmerized with you at that time that I wished to see you again. So when I saw you again at the same elevator a couple of days after, I kind of  . . .” He avoided her gaze as he continued. “This is the part where it will start to sound a bit creepy.”

She shrugged, “I can handle it. Go on.” With a grin on her face, she added. “And I’m flattered by the way.”

“So I kind of stalked you for six months.” He blurted.

Her mouth went agape in surprise.

“You did that? How? Did you follow me everywhere?” She asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

“No. Not that kind of stalker.” He flung his arms in denial. “I waited for you by the elevator before and after work as I look at you from afar.”

“That’s sweet but a bit coward of you too.” She commented.

He shamefully answered, “I know . . .”

She hummed in response, not knowing what she was supposed to say.

He gulped before he continued. “Then that time during that rainy afternoon I finally found the courage to approach you. And the rest is history since you already know what happened then.”

“Oh! So . . . that’s it? That’s all you’re going to tell me after dragging me here at the rooftop of your apartment when I could be sound asleep in my room right now?” She asked in disappointment.

“Why? What else do you want me to tell you?” He teased with a wide smile glued on his face.

“Nothing. I just want to go home.” She said while trying to get up.

He held her back down to her seat. “I was just teasing you. Sorry.”

“Well, I’m not in the mood for some teasing.” She answered with her brows meeting in the middle.

“Yeah, that was obvious.” He turned her body to face him completely as they locked their gazes at each other. Then he spoke to her with full sincerity. “At first it felt like it was just a little crush. But after I got to know you more, I started to like you . . . a lot. Then one day I woke up and realized that I was falling in love with you. Well, actually . . . I love you, Chaeyoung.

It’s unfortunate that I only found the courage to say this to you now just when I’ve completely lost the chance to pursue you. But I want to say this to you once and for all. Chaeyoung. I. Love. You. So . . . there. That’s what I wanted to say.” Jungkook said with his cheeks turning red.

Chaeyoung lied down flat on the mat, feeling burdened at Jungkook’s confession. She placed her arm over her head as she tried to clear her mind and ease the wild beating of her heart.

Instead of responding to Jungkook’s confession, she asked instead, “So . . . Where’s the part where you’ve been upset with me?”

He lied down sideways next to her, facing her direction with his elbows supporting his head.

In Between Heartbreaks » TaeRoseKookWhere stories live. Discover now