The Answer

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"Darryl, w-will you go out with me?"

The question Zak always wanted to ask but was too afraid to. Zak was seriously scared of what Darryl would respond. They had looked at each other for a little while. Darryl had to process the moment because Zak had just kissed him suddenly and had also asked him a question that could lead to happiness or maybe not so much.

But, Darryl had decided what to reply, and he was confident. He had looked back to all the things Zak had done for him, comforting him, made him laugh and even looked after him when he was overworking himself. It somewhat made up for all the trolls Zak had done to him.

"Yes, Zak."

"Yes?" Zak questioned, wanting to make sure.

"I'll go out with you."

Zak looks at Darryl for quite a while before quickly hugging him. He paused for a moment, dropping his head into his shoulders. "t- thanks." He sniffed.

"Wait—- are you crying?" Darryl questioned concerned.

"..." Zak didn't respond.

Very quickly, Darryl held Zak's shoulders pushing it softly so that he could see his face. He was crying, just a little. Zak rubbed his eyes and tried to look away.

"Aww, don't cry." Darryl spoke softly, wiping his tears and kissing him on the forehead gently.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to.. cry. I'm just so happy." Zak giggles at himself.

They both pause for a moment. Then, Darryl sighs, seeing Zak smile looking at his hands.

"I have two conditions though." Darryl stated, making Zak turn his head to look at him, creating eye contact.

"Conditions?" Zak's face turns worried, thinking of what he meant by that.

"Yes. Conditions." Darryl replied and continued,  "Well firstly, no revealing to our fans about us, not until we're certain. And lastly, no kisses without permission."

"Wait what? I understand the fans thing but the kissing thing?"

"Well you know maybe sometimes I don't feel like kissing."

"Ugh fine...But, I get some conditions too." Zak responded and continued, "Cuddles when I want, and if we get into an argument, we'll forgive each other no matter what."

"That sounds fair." Darryl spoke after thinking about it.

"Promise?" Zak leans in closer.

"Promise." Darryl responded and put his hands cupping Zak's cheeks, squeezing it a little.

Soon, they pull away and the rest of the day goes on as usual, except, Zak would occasionally sneak glances at Darryl as he was doing his own things.

The time was now 12:21 a.m.
Zak was sleepy but he wanted to talk to Darryl, so he went over to Darryl's room.

The door was already opened and Zak saw Darryl sitting, just editing a video on his computer.

"Hey." Zak spoke, somewhat startling Darryl.

"Oh- hey." Darryl looked at Zak for a second, before returning back to his computer.

"What you up to?"


Zak came closer behind his chair, and was looking at his monitor, peering over him.

"Oh my goodness- I'm finally done!" Darryl exclaimed and sighed, then relaxing his back on his chair and running his hand through his hair.

Then, Zak started to slowly wrap his arms around him and squeezed him, which quickly got pushed off by Darryl, who also turned his chair, so that they were facing each other.

"What are you doing Zak?"

"I want to bother you." Zak giggles.

Soon after, Darryl stands up from his chair and takes a step closer to Zak, and spoke, "oh really?"

Zak is then pushed all the way to a nearby wall, where Darryl decides to trap him using his arms. Zak suddenly blushes as Darryl gets slowly closer and closer to his lips, but stops when they are only an inch away. Zak covers his face from the embarrassment, however, he soon catches himself, looks at Darryl, makes eye contact and suddenly pushes Darryl's arms away, and wraps his arms around Darryl's waist, which surprises him.

Zak started to burrow his head into his chest and spoke, turning his head to look at Darryl, "Can I sleep in bed with you tonight?" This made Darryl blush and he paused for a second before he responded, "okay, you muffin." and hugs him back.

Later, Zak was sitting on the bed as he was waiting for Darryl to turn off his computer and finish up things. Then, Darryl turned on a more dimmer light and turned off the brighter light and sat down on the edge of the bed, facing Zak who was already starting to lay down. Soon, Darryl follows too, getting underneath the same blanket as Zak.

They were looking at the ceiling, but then they both turn to the side to look at one another. They paused, admiring each other.

"You should go to bed." Darryl spoke.

"You should too."

"I will!! But after you go to sleep." Darryl replied.

"That's my job."

Soon, Zak starts getting closer to Darryl and nuzzling his head into Darryl's chest, and Darryl wraps around him with his arms and wiggles to get a more comfortable position. Before they knew it, they were getting sleepy. Just before they fell asleep, Zak turned his head and looked at Darryl one last time and so did he.

Darryl smiled, and kissed Zak's head before whispering, "Goodnight."

a/n: they be getting all cute now- my heart can't handle it .-.
oh yeah this one was extra long :/
thanks for reading! <3

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