Truth or Dare

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The time was 10:40 a.m.
Zak and Darryl had woken up to go get breakfast. They were eating on the couch watching a tv series together, Zak laying on Darryl, until Vincent opened his bedroom door and spoke sleepily, "morning."

Zak waved to him and Darryl replied, "good morning. Breakfast is on the table in the kitchen."


Zak stood up from the couch to go clean his and Darryl's plate because they were done eating. "Oh thanks." Darryl spoke and gave Zak a kiss on the cheek.

Zak went to the kitchen where Vincent was getting food for himself. Zak was washing the dishes when he asked Vincent, "Hey, do you want to watch a movie with us?"

"Sure. Can we watch Frozen?" Vincent suggested.

"Oh yeah we could."

"But you and Darryl won't be kissing throughout the entire movie right??" Vincent questioned smiling and chuckled.

Darryl who was watching the tv, kind of got startled and both of them started blushing. Zak noticed Darryl was getting embarrassed and decided to say, "Let it go." in an annoyed way.

a/n: let it gOoo~ can't hold it back anymoree~ I'm sorry haha

But, it wasn't a big deal and Vincent was eating when Zak went back to the couch and got the tickets for the three. He was planning on getting a ticket that day, but he decided to get the tickets for 8:30 p.m. tomorrow because all the other times were either fully booked or the ones which did have seats were only front seats, which he didn't like.

All they had to do now was pass the time. They decided to play a game which was called truth or dare or forfeit on the floor after Vincent was done eating. You can guess what the game was just from the title. At first, Darryl didn't want to, but he got peer pressured.

"Let's start! Okay Zak. Truth or dare?" Vincent spoke excitedly.


"I dare you to kiss Darryl."

Zak is startled but looks at Darryl for permission. He nods. Quickly, Zak grabs Darryl's cheek and starts kissing him passionately and deeply, longer than usual, kind of showing him off. It continued until Darryl gently pushed Zak away. You could see Darryl's face was quite red and blushing. Zak was too but not as much. Zak just giggled from the view.

"Uhm- Ok someone ask me." Vincent spoke, trying to change the subject.

"Alright. Truth or dare?" Zak questioned after seeing Darryl still trying to catch himself.

"Mm- truth." Vincent replied.

"Okay, out of all of the Youtubers you've met, either in real life or just from talking to them, who would you ask out?"

" uh. L-like right now?" Vincent stuttered.

Zak nods. Vincent paused to think until he spoke, "nah- i think i'll take that forfeit."

"Pfft-" Zak laughed, "well, I guess you have to eat a baguette on your next video for your forfeit."

"aGain??" Vincent exclaimed and hid his head in his hands.

Darryl starts chuckling as well, "or you could maybe sing for us for your forfeit?"

"Haha yeah that's a good idea." Zak replied.

"ugh. fIne." Vincent annoyingly responded. They listened to Vincent singing for a bit and continued on with the game.

"Darryl. Truth or dare?" Vincent questioned.

"Dare I guess."

"Nice. Ok. I dare you to sit on top of Zak's lap." Vincent dared and pointed at Zak's lap.

Darryl blushed before saying, "I don't really want to do this."

"Come on. This'll be fun." Zak chuckled and hand gestured.

Then, Darryl started to crawl over to Zak and rested his hands on his shoulders. Finally, he slowly sat on Zak's lap and made eye contact. Zak responded to it by wrapping his arms around his waist smiling. Darryl started blushing like he could go crazy and before he could, he quickly got off him.

"I-i um- need to g-go to the bathroom." Darryl spoke, pushed Zak off making Zak fall and stood up. Before Darryl ran to the bathroom he looked at Zak to make sure he was okay.

"Wait!" Zak spoke out, but Darryl was already in the bathroom nearby.

a/n: please remember to vote if you like it!
you don't have to though <3

sorry for late updates! school has been crazy and I've just been demotivated ngl .-.

thanks for reading!! :)

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