Movie Night

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Sunshine was beaming through the windows. It was around 9 when the couple woke up. This time, Zak woke up earlier, and so he looked at his sleeping partner. He seemed peaceful and Zak admired his cute but messy bed hair, light pink lips, and eyelashes that casted a shadow on his face. Zak moved a little closer up his body to observe closer, however, Darryl slowly blinked and opened his eyes to see Zak looking up at him, kind of like a puppy waiting for his food.

"w-what are you doing Zak?" Darryl chuckled.

"Heh. Good morning~" Zak spoke and then decided to lean forward and kiss Darryl on the forehead.

They got up and got ready for the day. A couple of hours had passed, they ate breakfast, recorded some videos together, cuddled, and now, Darryl was away getting toilet paper as they ran out while Zak and Vincent are on the couch watching the tv. Vincent was on his laptop and Zak was watching the tv.

"I'm bored." Zak pouted and looked at Vincent.

"Ok." Vincent replied.

"Aw come on let's play a game or something!! Please." Zak pleaded.

"Dude, no." Vincent looked back at Zak, "I'm still making a thumbnail."

"Ok. How about we just get to know each other better," Zak suggested, "by asking questions!"

"Sure." Vincent looked back at his laptop and smirked.

"Hehe~ Ok I'll start!" Zak sat up properly on the couch, "hmm, what is your favorite food?"

"..Probably the baguette." Vincent jokingly said.

Zak giggled but soon spoke, "ask me now."

"Oooh okay," Vincent looked at Zak, "What was your first date with Darryl like?"

"Oh uh- I guess it was nice."

"I mean- Where did you guys go?"

"We stayed home.." Zak almost whispered under his breath but Vincent still heard.

"Wait what?" Vincent made sure he didn't hear wrong and saw Zak staying silent, "Have you guys not gone on an actual date?"

"uhm- Well I-" Zak tried to form a sentence, "I guess not?"

"Bruh moment." Vincent smirked, "You guys should go today."


"Yeah. I can just not go to the movies today." Vincent suggested.

"What- you don't want to go?"

"No- it's just I'm not too interested in Frozen anyway and I'd just be a third wheel with you guys." Vincent explained.

Zak thought for a moment before saying, "Well I guess- we could do that."

Vincent smiled and then went back to his laptop. Zak looked back at the tv and then thought to himself, "I guess we really never had an official date huh."

Then, he smiled and blushed thinking about the "date" and had to cover his face with his blanket.

Soon, Darryl got back home and Zak was now laying on his back on the couch looking at his phone and Vincent went to his room. The tv was now off.

"Hey." Darryl spoke as he opened the door. He took off his shoes and Zak shot up from his laying down position to a sitting position and looked at Darryl, "Come heree."

Darryl listened to him and came over to Zak, but stayed standing, peering over him almost. Then Zak got up but stayed looking at him and gave him a quick, light kiss on his lips. Then, Zak sat back down and patted the area beside him telling Darryl to sit there.

"What's up?" Darryl questioned.

"You know the movies?"

Vincent had kept his door open so he heard Zak saying that and yelled across the room, "I'm nOt gOinG."

"Wait what?" Darryl had a confused look.

"He doesn't wanna go." Zak spoke and smiled.

"Oh okay." Darryl replied and then rested his head on the couch. Zak noticed this, so he curled up next to him and Darryl wrapped his arms around him. Darryl had already fallen asleep and before Zak was going to, he set an alarm. They soon took a power nap together. Around half an hour had passed before Vincent went to the kitchen to get a snack but saw the two together and took a quick picture of them. It was adorable.

Anyway, after a while, they woke up to the sound of Zak's alarm and got ready to go out. Mostly Zak because Darryl was already ready to go. They arrived at the movies and decided to get some fountain drinks and some popcorn.

"D-Darryl? Is that you?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Emma?" Darryl replied and looked back. It was his ex. Then, Emma gave Darryl a hug, which caught him by surprise. Zak just looked at them with jealousy as he connected the dots.

"W-wait." Darryl stuttered and gently pushed Emma away.

"Let me introduce you to Zak, my boyfriend." Darryl explained. Zak blushed a little to him calling him a boyfriend and not being shy about it. Emma looks at Zak with annoyance but gives him a forced smile.

"Well, we have to go. The movie's about to start." Zak spoke, obviously trying to get away from Emma.

"Wait a minute, what movie are you guys watching??" Emma questioned, stopping them.

"Frozen 2." Darryl replied.

"No way!! That's what I'm watching too! Can I sit with you guys since it's an open seating theater?"


"Please..? I was planning to go with my friends but they ghosted on me last minute."

"Well, sure I suppose."

Then, the three went into the theater together where Emma insisted on sitting next to Darryl. The whole time, Zak was mad, what was going to become a date between him and Darryl, became a date but with his ex, which made it awkward. However, Zak still tried to enjoy the movie with him and decided to put his hand on top of Darryl's interlocking it. Darryl smiled at the sight.

Soon after, Emma saw this and was not pleased and decided to lay her head on Darryl's shoulder.

"U-um, Emma."

"Sorry. My head hurts a bit. Let me rest on you."

Darryl was hesitant but decided to let it go. Zak couldn't hold it back anymore however and told Darryl to accompany him to the restroom, which he did.
a/n: Dang Emma be doing us like that.

I was looking for a picture for the cover and omg Zak is so beautiful ahh

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Don't have to tho~ <3

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