Blue, How it Shines.

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Sarah Weichel was not expecting a reappearance of Hannah Hart in her lifetime.

She truthfully believed that if she tried hard enough, people inevitably would stop trying on the other end. She thought of the cold shoulder as not a defensive method, more of an everyday tool in her arsenal. She believed in not being connected with her students in class. She understood silence, she's mastered the art. It's all prepared.

It's why 'no' is her trademark.

It's why she likes the cold.

It's why she's broken more people's hearts than she can count.

She's figured it all out. Except, well, except for Hannah Hart.

Hannah was more stubborn than the rest. She didn't just want to be Sarah's friend, she needed to be. The girl was relentless.

Since the first day Sarah was teaching, Hannah was constantly asking questions. Her hand would always be up, and she would spew out anything in an everlasting river of uncertainty. It was annoying. And Hannah promised she'd stop if Sarah went to the park with the short girl. And Sarah did. And Hannah didn't stop with the questions. Was this why Sarah seemed to be drawn to her?

Who knows? All Sarah knows, is Hannah is the one she never quite cracked.

So, when she spent five years desperately trying to forget about her past mistakes and focus on her career, it was more than shocking to see a far too familiar sound erupting from the bar doors she entered into.

She was simply expecting a modern looking bar with heartfelt music on the inside. She was expecting some young, exciting waiters and waitresses that would smile and have a conversation. She was expecting these things, she was loading her arsenal as she walked in. She... She wasn't, expecting this.

Hannah's piano, playing away in the corner.

And Hannah's moving the keys.


Sarah tries to move, and had a desperate attempt to try and not lock her eyes with a mess of blond-


Wait, what?


Well, this is unexpected.

Sarah remembers light brown locks that reach her shoulders. She remembers nuzzling into a thick material that truly was softer than silk. She wasn't expecting a full head of dyed blond, that seemed to light up the room so brightly she might need to shield her eyes. Not to mention it chopped to a point at which it barely reached her ears. What?

But, Sarah was struggling to find a way to not stop looking at her.

Because she was beautiful.

Her blond hair was shimmering against the deep, gentle lights that hung up above them. Her eyes, they half stared at the keys with acute concentration, or were looking up at members of the bar and smiling. And her irises were electric. They were large orbs of ocean, that always seemed to be swaying with her head. Sarah remembers telling Hannah she was lost at sea. And the small, adorable freckle that somehow laid on Hannah's eye was always Sarah's sinking ship.

Her nose was still had that tilted curve, that Sarah distinctly remembers nipping.

Her lips were still still that soft, pink shade.

Her ears still bent out in the way that drove both of them crazy, but for completely different reasons.

And her cheeks were still had that slight flushed looked to them, that always made you feel special when she made eye contact with you.

She was still Hannah.

And this was why her body was failing her.

Until, well,

"Weichel! What the fuck are you doing at my bar! Care to break our little friend Hannah's heart any more? Because I think you got all of it! "

Sarah's eyes widened, her joints found a way to move, and she met eyes with the one and only...

Mamrie Hart.

Well, this just got a little more interesting.



So This chapter is This.

I know it was short, but y'all need to get some suspense up in here. I do believe. This chapter was.. alright. I think I could've done a little bit better, but I think it suits for a first chappie.

I'll see you guys soon.

Celia's out bitches.

It is a very good time.

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