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(A/N: sorry for nut ricin 4 a vey long time. It is becoz i had very bad school lifer. I'm emo so who cares if I'm pretty or nut!1!!! Thanks again pearIeacense for helpigng. PS Aladdin i. Giving birth too a bb)

My friends and i flew all over the sewers to fin an esxape root to get away from mr Thomason and his biggest gang in tha world and so that we cans practice all our magical powers!!!1!11111
"We all habe bery big fungus its so cool!!!!!1!1" i screamed goodly.
"To flap ur wings, u need to think about doing it and belief it. And think aboit all ur enemies getting suffered and dying the most painful death." The twins bodies sed very devilshle.
I Tyrion's doing it wiff all my friends and Ben did very sexily and goodly because hw is very smart amd have intelligence. But he is but vas intelleligenv as me because like I told u that i have telekenesias intelligences a bery loving time goo.
"Omfg i did it" sed brn
"Wow" i blushed hardly
"Nice bro" luis loomed and smiled at him very sexily.
"We did it" sed luis and i sexily.
After that we flew together and Ben was very jelous and yhaa i was so happy a all over agian. My friends and i went to continues flying all around the seweres to find a way out of this shitty and smelly sewer (AN: it smells like ma schll).
It was very scary when the sewer suddenly started to gon darker very shockingly. Synthia and gythia told us to fking continues but ibwas hella scared shitless becoz i coudlnt see very well like i felt bland like mr Thompson whe. Lus and Ben smoked at him.
"This sewer drain thingy is never ending"cried luis depressingly while holding my small and white hand.
""I'm starting to get supa tried" whispered BEN
And then we just had to continue fluying.
"I think u guys should have a break form flying. To get rid of ur wings, do the same but think a bout getting rid of ur wings." Said synthia and gythia.
"Thx" i sed
"Np' they said too
We all walked fastly until there was a flashing white lite in our right......
"TURN RIGHT!111!" Said s this and gythia
We all started to breathe very quickly and den we ran. There was nothing but a flashing door but synthia and gythia broke it with their bullet proof and very thicc and big dead bodies. THE DSOPR WAS TITANIUM!!!!!1!11111!!!!1 after we got in, it was a very white passageway corridor and den we got in. There were weapons everywhere. We continued to walked and an automatic door opened, SHOWING A VERY BIG PICTURE OF MR THIMPsIN!!!!!!111!1111111 i touched the picture and then AN ALARM WENT OFFfffFffff11111!!1! THERE WERE CAMERAS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!! IT. WAS MR THOMPSONS SECRET HIDE OUT ALL ALONG1111!11!!111!
Suddenly, i heard somatch footsteps...

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