Chapter 5

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***********************************************Elizabeths POV *************************************
"Did you hear the screams?" " I wonder who it was?" Rumors spread all around the Gryffindor table, people guessing who could be the screamer. After I went to bed Malfoy didn't startup again. At least he got some sleep it could do him some good. The rumors where soon silenced by the appearance of breakfast, before me sat French toast, my favorite. I could feel eyes staring at me, so I looked around trying to find their owner. I met the confused eyes of Theodore, only slightly surprised that Malfoy wasn't sitting next to him. I was tempted to ask him what was so confusing, or why he was staring but I was cut off by yet another awkward silence. That could mean only one thing, or in this case only one person. *******************************************Theodore's POV*************************************
That girl was definitely something else. she saw right through me last night, not convinced of my slytherin demeanor. She actually seemed concerned about the screams even after she figured out they came from Draco. A normal Gryffindor, or any house for that matter probably would have thought he of all people deserved it, but not her. I thought for sure she was going to get herself hurt so I had hovered in the doorway ready to pull her away if he started to throw punches. But he didn't. The nightmares had started before the war, I was used to them by now. I hadn't seen him truly relaxed in so long until last night. All she did was gently touch him and he stopped. She acted like it was nothing, like stopping a nightmare was easy. And here she sat quiet as usual with her weird breakfast totally puzzling me. She looked up at me and I know she wants to say something but she is interrupted, not by a noise but by silent. Draco walks in looking almost refreshed, some how he's able to ignore the stares and he sits in the empty space beside me.
"Where have you been?" I ask quietly so no one might hear.
"I over slept," he replies simply not even making eye contact, he just started to eat his French toast.

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