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Weeks had passed since Desmond spent the night with Sirius and as much as he hated to admit it to himself he couldn't stop himself from remembering that night, in fact that was the only thing that he was thinking about as he stood in the Malfoy Manor's ballroom watching everyone dance while he sipped his champagne, his best friend and fellow pureblood, Andrew Flint stood next to him with his own champagne in hand.

"Are you sure that it was Black?" Andrew questioned lowly, hiding his lips with his glass, he knew the answer, however, he had read the letter than Desmond had sent him a week after that night, after realisation set in. Desmond gave his best friend a sharp glare as the Black sisters approached them, bringing their cousin's along, Regulus being rather dragged by them while Sirius trailed behind them.

"Well here's your chance..." Andrew commented teasingly as he placed a charming smile on his lips, Desmond suddenly stood taller and focused his eyes on the approaching eldest male Black, he looked different than what he did that night, he was actually wearing a suit instead of ripped jeans and leather jacket and his hair was sleek back with enchanted gel.

"At least pretend he doesn't take your breath away." was the last thing that Desmond heard before the blonde Black sister threw her arms around him, her whole body pressing flush against his as she hugged him, "Desmond, it's so nice to see you once more." Narcissa Black claimed chirpily as the Hufflepuff awkwardly returned her hug.

Narcissa was a gorgeous girl with long blonde pin straight hair and the signature Black stormy eyes, although hers were a slight shade of blue, her eldest sister, Bellatrix, however had the curliest black hair anyone ever saw on a pureblood and eyes that were nearly coal coloured.

"It's wonderful to see you as well Narcissa, I see you are still the most beautiful girl in the room." Desmond replied smoothly, earning a cheeky look from Bellatrix, the witch who was well-known for being protective of her younger sister, a shaking head from Andrew who all but snorted into his cup and a look of disbelief from both Regulus and Sirius.

Narcissa pulled back with a small blush on her cheeks, it was rumoured that the middle Black sister had a nearly life long crush on the youngest Crouch but there was no substantial proof besides words in the air, "Well I'm glad you believe so." the blonde claimed before lowering her hands and grabbing Desmond's bigger ones, pulling him away from the small group that had began to form on the corner and towards the dance floor.

"Poor lad, doesn't know what he's in for." Bellatrix commented with a small honest smile, a rare sight for many but common when something concerning her sister came up. "I have to disagree, Desmond can handle anything thrown his way." Flint countered looking at his best friend being dragged towards the dance floor.

His eyes, however, cautiously flashed towards the eldest male Black just in time to catch him gawking slightly until his brother elbowed him gently. "He is one of the greatest Quidditch Captains I'll give him that." Bellatrix complimented, watching as Desmond began to lead her little sister around, watching as she twirled and was dipped perfectly in sync with the rhythm.

"Is he still not promised to anyone?" Bellatrix inquired, "I believe that is the case. Not many people want their daughters to marry the black sheep of the families, even if they are quite dashing." Andrew replied, humming slightly in the beginning, his eyes flashing to his best friend once more before going over to the Crouch family, Arianne Crouch was talking with Druella Black, Bellatrix and Narcissa's mother and pointing at the dancing duo.

Barty Snr. stood near his wife, talking to a fellow Ministry worker, leaving Barty Jnr. to be absent "Is he seeing someone?" Bellatrix then inquired, almost as if she was planning something in her mind, from the corner of his eye Andrew Flint could see Sirius Black freeze and his brother snort into his drink, "Not anymore." he replied, watching all three Black's relax at his words, "He told me he was seeing a Ravenclaw but I never got their name."

At the word their Sirius snapped his head in Flint's direction, a silent question burning in his eyes, "Well, Narcissa will be pleased then." Bellatrix claimed, bringing her cup to her lips. "Is it true that Narcissa fancies Desmond?" Flint inquired coyly.

"Indeed, its the thing she talks most in our family reunions, gushing about the most recent thing that Desmond did, fawning over him." Regulus replied, his voice coated with amusement, amusement that went straight over Bellatrix's head but Andrew understood.

"Can you blame her? He is the most dashing lad around that isn't related to us Black's." the eldest of the Black sisters mused, Sirius nodded in agreement before commenting "No we cannot." Bellatrix peered at her cousin before excusing herself and walking towards her mother, greeting Arriane Crouch the second she reached them.

"If you stare any longer your brother and I would have had to start cleaning your droll Black." Flint declared the second Bellatrix was out of ear shot prompting Sirius's head to snap in his direction so fast Regulus Black winced in pain himself.

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