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"I wasn't drooling." Sirius quickly defended, his voice pitching slightly at his denial, "That's not what we saw." Regulus grumbled as he rubbed his neck, the pain that his mind created from the whiplash that his older brother should have gotten shooting sharply around his neck. "I wasn't." Sirius argued, sending his brother a look that screamed don't contradict me, "Quidditch, dancing, top marks in each subject, what can't that man do." Andrew questioned into the air. 

Both Regulus and Andrew saw a blush creeping up Sirius's neck from the corner of their eyes, a blush that each of them knew was caused by what Sirius remembered, "I need a drink."  the eldest of the brothers claimed, quickly stepping away from the two and heading towards the nearest house elf.

"I see Crouch told you." Regulus said, smiling as a familiar face passed him, "Not every detail but the main events of the night." Andrew confirmed, his eyes watching as the people that were dancing changed partners for the round. "Along with the persistent use of the name Sirius Black underlined in each paragraph of the 5 page letter." Regulus couldn't help but laugh, while he and his brother might not get along, he was the only person that knew the real Sirius.

"Fess up now that my brother isn't here, Flint. Who was the Ravenclaw that Crouch dated?" Regulus ordered, "You know who it is." Flint replied, causing a frown to rise on Regulus's face and he echoed "I do?" neither was looking at the other, it was better to converse like this in social outings.

Andrew nodded and claimed "You know that despite being the Crouch's black sheep Dez  greeted everyone with a kiss on the knuckles and a shaking of the hand." Regulus nodded once more, "Who is the only person he has not greeted?" Again Regulus frowned, there was easily over 400 people at this ball, all of whom are purebloods.

"Who has Dez not smiled in yet another greeting?" 

Regulus's stormy eyes jumped from person to person that Desmond passed.

"Who has Dez refrained from nearing since he arrived?" 

His eyes snapped to the part of the room where he knew Desmond had not neared, narrowing his list down considerably.

"Who has had their eyes on Dez from the moment he stepped on the dance floor with Narcissa?"

His eyes found several people who were staring at the dance floor, and considering that they were all literally dancing in a circle, women switching their partners to the left, and the men had their backs to the public.

"Who just broke their glass?" 

At this Regulus's eyes moved to Andrew in confusion, none had broken their glasses during the entire party up until the moment,  but instead of getting a reply from him he got Andrew walking away, walking towards Linette Yaxley with an easy smile on his face.

Instead of a reply he got the ear splitting sound of a glass completely shattering, causing his eyes to instantly locate the source, it wasn't actually that hard, the crowd had opened around him in order to avoid the shards.

And there with bright red hair he found him, Carlton Rowle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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