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Desmond Crouch had no idea where he was headed on that warm summer night that he had managed to slip out from his house unnoticed, not that it was hard though, his brother was out with friends and his mother was already asleep while his father was working the night shift.

His long coat made him feel even warmer but it gave him a sense of safety so he didn't dare take it off, his fancy shoes clapped against the stone ground as he walked further and further away from his house and closer and closer to the heart of the city. He should owled his half-blood or muggleborn friends and asked them to meet with him so he wouldn't be alone in muggle London, but they were either visiting family or out of the country so even if he did they wouldn't have been able to meet up with him, which would have resulted in the same outcome he was currently in.

The sound of partying was heard from an open area just on the outskirts of town, in an open field and Desmond could see the familiar gold and red glow of a fire, his feet instantly changed direction and led him away from the city and towards the muggle party, his first muggle party and one that he apparently needed much more than he let on. 

The scenery changed from serene and dark to golden and loud, the scent of alcohol and burning quickly filling his senses along with the blaring muggle music, wasted muggles danced around the fire, singing at the top of their lungs and there were even some that were passed out cold on the ground. 

A small smile grew on Desmond's lips as he thought back at the many parties that the Gryffindor House threw back at Hogwarts, how many times he'd been the one drinking and dancing, few times he'd been the passed out cold and the majority in which he was the one to haul the passed out cold back to their common room.

Then as his eyes surveyed the scene before him they locked on an extremely familiar figure, a figure that belonged to the famous Sirius Black, a notorious Ladies Man back at Hogwarts and a black sheep of his family. He'd seen Sirius many times during the Sacred Twenty-Eight events that were thrown, so seeing at parties was no new thing. 

But seeing him in a muggle party in which he had a drink in his hand and was looking extremely unamused at the two drunk girls that were dancing before him and reaching for him was new. There were deep and dark circles under his eyes and he supported a busted lip, a visual that Desmond had never seen Black flaunt unless he had been in a fight. 

Against his better judgement Desmond grabbed the muggle alcoholic beverage that was in a cooling ark and took a swing of it, the cold liquid burning his throat in a way that soothed him, the muggle drink was much much softer than it's magical counterpart meaning it would take a larger number of these to get him buzzed or even drunk rather than the mere 15 to 20 firewhiskey's that got him so drunk that no hangover cure but Madam Pomfrey's healed him.

Within seconds of arrival Desmond found himself surrounded by various girls, all of them beautiful in their own ways but none that appealed to him, it wasn't their fault, it was his. The sight of gorgeous girls with so much showing skin was a sight that many men would get aroused to but not Desmond.

The brunet young adult found himself growing exhausted from being pressed against by girls, and opted to drink while sitting down, Sirius Black had long disappeared from Desmond's sight and he couldn't help but believe that eldest of the Black brother's had either left to go back home or had gone off to shag a girl.

That was until he popped the lid off his third beer when the said boy slumped on the abandoned car seat that Desmond was sitting on, his right arm going behind Desmond's back and while his left hand ran through his hair, pulling it back momentarily before it returned to it's previous place. 

"Never thought I'd see a pureblood like yourself in a muggle party like this Crouch." Sirius claimed, his stormy grey eyes scanning the party while the brunet boy glanced at him, "I could say the same about you Black." he retaliated, leaning back feeling Black's arm behind his back, Sirius snorted slightly but didn't move, instead his hand stole Desmond's beer and brought it to his lips, earning a glare from the dark brown haired boy next to him.

Desmond's dark brown eyes watched Sirius's leather jacket tighten around his bicep as he took a swing of his beer before he quickly glanced away, trying very hard to ignore the famous Marauder that sat next to him. Something that proved harder than he had inicially bargained for as the obsidian haired boy claimed "I'll beat your ass at Quidditch this year."

A claim that the youngest Crouch had heard the Gryffindor claim many times during their school year when Quidditch was on, but truth be told they never did, they always lost a game to the Hufflepuffs and in the end their Quidditch score was always a tie. 

"Once I stop being Captain, maybe. But until then I don't see that happening Black." Desmond replied, stealing back his beer and bringing the cool liquid to his lips, Sirius's eyes were on him, watching Desmond's every move. Of course Sirius Black knew Desmond Crouch was Captain, how could he forget, his best mate James Potter was always grumbling about it, if he wasn't asking Lily Evans out or planning pranks he was complaining about the Captain of the Hufflepuff.

At Sirius's silence the youngest Crouch peered to his side, awaiting to find either a sleeping Sirius or an empty space, but instead he found a gazing Sirius, his stormy eyes glistening due to the fire pit before them, his lips parted and his cheeks supporting a light blush. This was a sight that Desmond had never seen Sirius display.

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