Chapter 7 | Spying

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"Ow! Get off my foot!"

"Someone's elbow is in by rib cage..."

"Will you stop shoving me!"

"Well, sorry, but your head is in the way!"

"See, this is what happens when you shove seven people in a small closet!"

"Guys, we're gonna get caught!"

"You're too quiet, Mel. Lemme do it. EVERYBODY SHUT UP!"

It was Libby's whisper-yell that finally brought the group to silence. They had snuck out of bed and were now in a closet in the Bridge, hoping to get some information from their parents' meeting. 

"My sensors indicate several people coming here now." Sara stated, her blue eyes glowing faintly. Seconds later, they heard voices outside the door. Everyone craned their necks to see through the little crack in the door. Jay and Nya were there, and they were standing near the edge of the deck, looking down below the ship. The kids grew silent praying that they wouldn't be found. Slowly, they started to hear bits of their conversation.

"-I just keep thinking that this isn't real, he isn't really back, and that we'll wake up in the morning and I'll tell you about this and we'll just laugh it off and go on with life." Jay said

"I want that too, but we always knew that our past would catch up to us someday. We just have to do what we always do, save the world."

"Yeah, I just wish that our kids didn't have to go through what we did." Jay said quietly, and they stayed quiet for a while before he spoke again.

"You know what Lily asked me before she fell asleep? She asked me if things would go back to normal, and if everything would be okay. And I honestly couldn't answer that because with us, anything is possible. I want them to have normal lives, to be kids, instead of having this responsibility of elemental powers and saving Ninjago and- " Jay's voice cracked and Lily suddenly realized that her father was starting to glow and spark. It took everything in her to keep her gasp inside. She glanced at her brother, who's eyes were wide as well. Lily turned back to her parents. Nya had noticed too, and way rubbing Jay's back, telling him to take deep breaths. Slowly, he stopped glowing. They were quiet, but then the silence was broken by everyone else entering the room.

"Is everyone here?" Lloyd asked, making sure that all the adults were present. Jay and Nya were here, and so were Kai, Skylor, Cole, and Seliel. Lloyd had come in here with Zane, Pixal, Sensei Wu, and Misako, so everyone was here.

"Okay then. So first, whAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED."

"Um, I believe that we were just attacked by two former villains that we defeated in our past, that we, may I add, barely managed to escape." Zane replied, slightly puzzled by this question.

"Yes, Zane," Lloyd muttered, slightly exasperated, "I know. I mean about the whole Pythor-practically-wishing-Nadhakan-invincible part. Last time, it took us Tiger Widow Venom, all our wishes, everything we had in us, and pure luck to just barely defect him and save everyone. And now we can't use any of that." Everyone was silent as they let this depressing thought sink in.

"Maybe you could trap him in another realm with the Realm Crystal?" Liane said,  slightly hesitant.

"No, it was destroyed when we fought the Oni." Lloyd replied. They  stood there for some more time, deep in thought. Jay was the one who broke the silence.

"I can't think, guys. I can't do anything! My mind keeps going back to when we last fought Nadakhan and I can't stop thinking about how wrong things could have gone. How wrong things almost went. We were barely able to beat him, and Nya died in the process! And now we have  kids! We couldn't even keep ourselves safe, how are we supposed to keep them safe too? And what if he takes one of them! I-" Jay took a deep breath and put his head in his arms. "I'm just so scared, guys. I can't bear the pain of losing someone else, even if they came back. First Zane, then Nya, then Cole and Lloyd.  And now we're introducing seven fifteen-year-olds into this world of craziness." Jay sighed. Everyone stayed silent, not sure how to react to Jay's outburst. He had voiced the same feelings inside them, and they were reasoning with themselves. Finally, Nya spoke up.

"You know what Jay? I'm not going to tell you that everything will turn out fine. I'm not going to tell you that our lives will go back to normal, and that we will defeat him and go back to our peaceful lives because none of us are dumb enough to believe that. We all know the things we have to face and do, and we know that sacrifices must be made. I know you're scared, Jay. We're all scared, but we're going to be brave. Because who else is there to rely on? We will be brave for the people of Ninjago. For each other. For our family." 

"And besides," Kai started. "We were about the same age when we started too. I was around 15 or 16, I think." Everyone joins in. (Don't get mad about the ages if you don't agree peeps, it's just for the story. Just roll with it!)

"I was 14 when Kai joined, but I was 16 when Wu told me I was a Ninja." Nya stated.

"I was 14 or 15." Jay said next.

"I think I was around 16ish," Cole recalled.

"I do not know how old I was, I may have been either 30 or 15, you can choose." Zane spoke.

" I don't even want to guess my age," Lloyd chuckled "Let's see, I was 7 when the whole 'serpentine' thing happened, and then 8 before the Tomorrow's Tea, and 15 after it, I think? I can only approximate." He paused for a second, and then said, "Did I seriously just realize how weird my life has been?" Everyone laughed at that. Even Mel started to giggle in the back of the closet. 

"Mel, cut it out! Your going to get us caught!" Justin hisses, trying to get her to stop. 

"Sorry, sorry, I,'m trying!" she gasped back, failing to stop her laughter. Unfortunately for them, Melina had one of those infections giggles that could get anyone laughing. Soon, Sara started giggling too. 

"Would you two be quiet?!" It was Jax's turn to hiss, but they couldn't keep their giggles in.

"Hang on, I got this." Libby said as she reached over and clamped her hands over their mouths, and their chuckes were immediately silenced. In a string of bad luck, Libby's elbows  had shoved the Smith boys, who landed on the Walker twins, who inevitably fell out of the closet.

"Ahh!" Spencer yelled as they fell, which was followed by a loud "Oof!" when he landed on his face.








"What in the name of the First Spinjitzu Master are you doing here?"


So that last part may have gotten confusing, but what happened was they fell out of the closet, and then the parents said all of their names at once and then said the last sentence all at once. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Hope you all are having/had an amazing day!


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