B*tches In Gym Class

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I was in the corner doing push-ups when the rest of the class came back in. I haddn't done much yet in this class. I just didn't feel like it. The guys were all joking around and I was at 113 push-ups. They suddenly noticed me and started saying things about me. I knew they were talking about me because I heard my name a few times but I really couldn't hear them. Plus I was too busy counting. When I got to 178 push-ups, the teacher came over to me. "Evelyn, would you like to join us for some basket ball?" He asked.

I stopped at looked up at him, "Sure." I smiled after he smiled at me. I stood up and dusted off my baggy sweat pants. I also had a tank top on. I always keep work out clothes with me because you never know when your going to want to blow off steam. I walked over to where all the guys were and waited to be put on a team. I was put on the same team as that ass hole. Oh, how nice. I also found out that his name was Scott.

I wasn't really planning on doing anything because I knew the guys wouldn't pass to me. So I just kinda jogged along with everyone else. And my team was loosing. I hate loosing. Scott pulled everyone into a huddle, well everyone but me.

I was listening in to what he was saying. After all I am on their team. If they want to win though, they have to pass the ball to me. Its the only really good option. "Okay guys, we have to win this thing. Steal the ball and run all the way if you have to. Dunk it if you can."

"Or just pass the ball to me," I cut in. They all turned to look at me in confusion.

Scott scoffed, "Why would we pass the ball to you?"

"Because I never loose. I hate loosing." I raised my eye brow at him, "So if you want to win, you will pass the ball to me."

He stomped over to me angrily and pointed his finger in my face, "You listen here."

I grabbed his finger and bent it back into an uncomfortable position, "Don't threaten me." I said in a low voice before letting go and walking off, "Pass the ball to me." I yelled over my shoulder.

After a while we were still losing. Scott had the ball and I was the only one open. I raised my hands as if I was ready to catch it, "Hey Scott." I said to him. He looked at me with a scowl. "Pass the friggin ball." I said with all seriosuness. He was contemplating what to do.

"PASS HER THE BALL!" The teacher screamed at Scott. Scott sighed before passing it to me. As soon as it hit my hands I was gone. Dribbling it down the full length of the court with no one behind me. It was a great feeling. I got right up to the basket and jumped before dunking it in. I held onto the edge of it for a second before letting go and landing back on the ground. I turned around and looked at all the guys. Their mouths were open with surprise. I had good timing too because the bell rang.

The gym teacher ran over to me and congradulated me before we started gym class. Most of the guys from my Spots class were in here as well. All the girls that were present had taight tank tops and really short shorts. Wow, sluts much. My sister was the only one who didn't have anything to chage into. The teacher told her to sit on the bleacher and said I could do whatever I felt like on the other half of the gym. They were playing volleyball on one half.

Miria smiled at me and I smiled before walking up to her. "How was sport?" She asked me.

I shrugged, "I get free training time. Then we played basketball. They wouldn't pass the ball to me till the very end when Mr. Teacher told them too."

She laughed, "So what are you going to do right now?"

I sighed deepy, "I'm thinking something... impressive."

"Go for it," She said giving me a knowing smile.

I walked over to my side of the gym and positioned myself so that I was ready to jump. I did some quarter turns. Then some half turns. Both in both directions. "Is that all she does is jump like that? That's not sporty at all." Some girl sneared from the court. I looked at her with one eye brow raised then looked at my sister who was smiling evily at me.

I bent down ever so slightly and jumped up doing three rotations in the air before landing on the ground in a landing position. If you haven't already guessed, figure skating is my forte. "See, all she does is jump!" The girl flung her arms around in frustration. This made everyone turn to look at me. I shugged internally before walking over to the end of the gym and stand on one of the lines.

"Do something impressive!" Scott shouted.

 I ignored him and took in a deep breath before doing a side hop into my triple axel. I landed it perfectly with my back to the gym class. Miria broke out into clapping. "That was abosolutly flawless!" She cheered for me. I turned to look at the rest of the class who seemed a bit dazed.

"Is a triple axel impressive enough for you?" I asked innocently.











Hehehe!! I love this chapter!! Its over all my favorite one!!! Tell me what you think!!! :D

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