Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

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New school. New town. New people. New experiences. Worst of all, new country.

I looked up at the new house. How can I call this home? Its too big to become my home. I wish I could go back to our little house back in Canada. They have no ketchup chips here! How am I supposed to live without my ketchup chips? My sister gasped from beside me. She always wanted to live in a house like this. I didn't. There is probably like 50 bedrooms in this house. I wish I could go back to my little room with its white walls filled with pictures of my friends and I. All of the posters I had to throw out before we left. My nice bed that we had to give away.

"Are you going to come in?" Maria asked me.

I looked at her, "Do I have to?" She laughed before grabbing my wrist and dragging me towards the house. She ignored my constant pleas to let me go. She was always like this towards me. Insisting I do things that I don't want to do. I don't care if this is our new house. I would rather sleep on a park bench with a hobo then step inside that house. Its stupid blue color with balconies and porches. Stupid big bay windows and probably expensive interior. Ug! I hate it already.

"Wow," Maria gasped as she entered the front door with me in tow. "This is incredible." I will not open my eyes, I chanted in my head. I will not open my eyes. "Open your god damned eyes Evelyn." Maria punched my arm, "I promise you'll like it."

"Like it my ass," I punched her arm without opening my eyes. She let out a little squeak. "It's too expensive for my taste."

"How can you punch so hard?" She whined, "I swear you are stronger than most guys I know." I laughed at that fact because it was true. "And how do you know its 'too expensive' or whatever. You won't even look at it."

"Because my darling sister, you are girly and I am not."

"That doesn't mean you can't like nice things." She sighed, "And you do have a girly side to you. But you hardly show it."

"I show it when I want to or when I have to." It was silent for a moment before I sighed and opened my eyes. I can't keep them closed forever and I might  as well get over the shock now instead of later. I groaned when I realized that this is now where I live. Stupid leather couches. Stupid fancy lamps. Stupid hard wood floors. Stupid fancy kitchen. Stupid fancy appliances. Stupid big TV. Stupid fancy fire place. I glared at Maria, "I hate it."

She beamed at me, "Good. I like to see you suffer."

My face went blank, "That's something we have in common, I like to see you suffer too."

Her happy expression was soon replaced with one of horror, "You wouldn't."

"Try me," I smirked at her. 

We looked at each other for a while. We were having an intense staring contest to see who would back down first. Sadly, it was interrupted, "So my beauiful dauters, do you like the house?" My face scrunched up at the way our father adressed us. Beautiful? Sure Maria is, she's the beautiful twin. Me, ah hell no.

"We love it dad!" Maria ran up to hug him. She was a daddy's girl. Always sucking up to him for stuff. Me, well dad and I have out annual nights sitting in front of the TV with popcorn watching whatever sport we feel like.

I smiled at dad trying to see the good in theis house, "Better quality game nights."

He came and gave me a big hug, "And we have a movie popcorn maker." He said cheerfully. Well I've got to say that's a hug plus. So living here won't be all that bad. "Go check out your rooms. Marain yours is upstaris to the right and Evelyn, upstairs to the left. Both french doors." Maria squealed with excitement before running past us towards her room. "I promise you'll like it here Evelyn," My dad said to me. "Plus there's an arena just two blocks away from here and from school. The coach there said come whenever to practice." 

I smiled up at him, "Thanks." I watched him leave to go back outside to help mom with her million bags of clothes. I guess this is it. I tried to take my time going up to my room, I didn't want to see it. But at the same time I was curious to see what my parents have created just for me. I found the double french doors quite easily and opened them without a second thought.

"Wow," I said to myself. This wasn't half bad. My trophies were on different shelves and organized by sport. My favorite pictures from the wall I had back home framed the head board on my bed. The sheets were a light purple with lime green and there was one lamp beside the bed that was cream colored. All of my books, movies, cd's and photo albums were on the shelves around my desk. The desk had a brand new Mac Book Air and iPhone on it. I will probably never use those.

I don't even understand why my dad gets me a phone, I never use it. My friends all have my number and I'm always force to bring it around with me but I never use it. It just sits in my bag or pocket. I don't text but I do use the phone. I really don't see the point of having one.

I turned my gaze and it landed on another set of double doors that lead to a balcony. Oh how nice. I can read out there I guess. There was one other door across the room. I went over to open it. Clothes. Lots and lots of clothes. Since when did I own all of this? At the end of the long room there was another door. A bathroom. I have my own bathroom. Thank th lord! I have my own bathroom! No more make up smeared everywhere because of Maria.

This is starting to look up...

Oops, I forgot about school tomorrow...













Yea! New idea! Tell me whatcha think! Good? Bad? Horrible? I realize it may be boring but all stories start off slow. It is after all the introduction.

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