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I jumped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I felt so relieved and relaxed, I haven't had a proper work out like that in so long. This week has actually been so much better. No one talks to me still, but at least I don't have people hating on me anymore. Now I'm just the girl who can kick everyone's butt in every sport. Jack being here has made it better. I'm more myself. Plus, he brought me Ketchup chips!!! Pure heaven.

After I got dressed into my pj shorts and tank top I blow dryed my hair and let it hang to its full length. Which is really long by the way. I think I might need to cut it soon.

After all that I made my way down stairs and stopped right in my tracks when I saw who was in my living room. It wasn't just Maria. Oh no. Scott, Aiden, James, Brooke, and Mandi were here as well. All cheerleaders and football players. Why should I care that they are here? I just do care. Well I have never cared before. Well maybe its because they are in my house.

Shut up brain!

I guess I'll just ignore them.

I walked past the livingroom and into the kitchen. I knew they saw me because they all stopped talking. Whatever, I don't care. I got a bowl from the kitchen and filled it with ketchup chips and another bowl I filled with a salad. Yes, I balance my junk food with my healthy food. It just works for me bacuse I excercise all the time.

I sat at the kitceh stools and started to eat my salad when Maria came in. "Evelyn, how was your run?"

I stopped eating and looked up at her with my eye brow raised, "What do they want?"

She scoffed, "They don't want anything. I just wanted to talk with my sister."

I rolled my eyes, "No you don't, you never ask how my run was unless your friends want something."

She sighed and sat beside me. "We are having a sleepover and they don't want to see your face around to ruin it."

I laughed, "That's a nice way of putting it."

Maria laughed too.

"Well then I will go back and hide in my room if you want."

Maria shrugged, "I honestly don't care what you do."

We smiled at eatchother and I finished off my salad before putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Then I grabbed my bowl of chips and followed Maria out back into the living room. Everyone smiled when they saw her but then frowned once they saw me.

"What are you doing here?" Brook spat towards me.

I shrugged, "I live here."

Brook narrowed her eyes at me then looked at Maria, "I thought you were going to get rid of her."

Maria shrugged but didn't say anything as she sat beside Aiden. "We don't want you here, so you should just leave," Mandi glared at me.

I smiled back, "Just because I'm into sports and don't wear a bunch of makeup like you doesn't mean you can treat me like shit."

I saw Maria try to stiffle her laugh with her hand.

"Yea?" Mandi stood up and walked towards me, "I would like to see you try and actually looked normal for once."

"Is this a bet?" I raised my eye brow.

Mandi smirked, "Yes, actually it is."

"What do you have to do if I win?"

"I'll announce to the whole school at the assembly on Wednesday thay you are better than me and I'll quit the cheersquad."

I smirked, "If you win I'll move back to Canada."

"Deal," She held her hand out to me.

I grabbed her hand and shook it, "Deal."

She turned swiftly on her heel to walk back to the couch and hit me in the face with her curly blonde hair. I left the room with my chips in my hand and a huge smile on my face. Time to dig out the girly clothes and glitter that I keep hidden for skating compettions.

Hello!!! :D Tell me what you thuink of this now that its finally off-hold :D 

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