A Firefighter

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Cyrus' POV

9 Years Ago

"Have you thought about schools?" I ask.

My hand is connected to TJ's, swinging between us as we walk through the gymnasium. Tables have been set up with pamphlets, booklets, and banners for many different universities and colleges. I've never thought about just how many options there are, and, judging by the overwhelmed faces of the swarm of high schoolers around me, neither has anyone else. 

"Not really," TJ replies. "I always just figured I'd be a basketball player."

"And I think you can for sure do that," I assure him, "but a realistic plan B is also important."

We approach the table for Shadyside University, and I scan the display. Three people stand behind the booth: one in typical professional wear, one in a nurse outfit, and the other in a blue uniform, which I at first think is a police uniform, but upon closer inspection, I notice that the badge reads "Shadyside Fire Dept." 

"Have you ever though about being a firefighter?" I ask, turning to TJ. 

He looks over at the woman in the uniform. She holds a pamphlet about the various programs offered to get a career in emergency services, but TJ doesn't step up to inspect it. 

"Nah," TJ replies. "I'll probably do English or philosophy or something along those lines."

"What can you get with a philosophy degree?" I question.

TJ ponders for a moment then answers, "A Philosophy teacher."

I chuckle, and he grins, taking a step forward to continue on to the next table, but I stay in my place, making him swing back to where he was. I let go of his hand to go up and look at the pamphlets on the table, picking up one that lists all the different programs the school offers. 

"They have several different social work, counselling, and Psychology programs," I tell TJ. 

"Are you planning to be a therapist like your parents?" he asks me.

"I'm considering it," I say. "I've been told I'm good at reading people."

I set the pamphlet down on the table and step back to take TJ's hand again. When I look at him now, he's smiling softly down at me. 

"You'd make a great therapist or counsellor or whatever you want to be," he says. 

I give him a smile in return and start walking with him again. We don't get far before I spot Jonah and Walker laughing together a small distance away from us. They don't seem to be too focused on the post-secondary fair, but more on each other as they giggle together, standing about as close as TJ and I used to stand back when we were in middle school. I call out to them, and Jonah's head snaps over to see me. At my wave, the two boys come over.

"Hey," I say. "What schools are you looking at?" 

"I'm not sure," Jonah answers. "I'm just looking at places where I can study music."

"I'm looking at Utah Valley University," Walker says. "It offers a lot of various art degrees."

"Yeah, that's the one Andi's applying to," I say. 

"Really?" Jonah says in bubbly surprise.

"Jonah," I respond, "she's your girlfriend. You didn't know that?"

Jonah glances to Walker. I can see the confusion appear on his face as though I just brought up a fact he'd forgotten. Walker doesn't have an apparent reaction, but he seems to be communicating silently with Jonah, saying something I don't have authorization to hear.

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