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5 Years Ago

I pause the TV when I hear the jingle of keys enter the room. Amber walks into the room in a stunning dark blue dress. It has thin straps and a strip of sparkles lining the hem of the skirt.

"New dress?" I ask. 

Amber grabs her pearl white purse off the kitchen island while she answers, "I'm going on a date to some fancy restaurant, and I don't know if I'm over or underdressed."

"You look great," I tell her. "I'm sure you'll fit in fine. Who's the date with?"

She halts her rushed movement to say, "Andi."

"Finally," I respond with a laugh. "Took you two long enough."

"Yeah, yeah," she says with an eye roll. "Good luck on your own date tonight," she adds. "Don't get into any trouble. Be nice. Make good choices."

"Amber, I'm twenty," I respond. "We both know my choices will be questionable at best."

She shakes her head, laughing with me as she reaches for the door. 

"See you," she says before stepping out of the apartment as closing the door behind herself. 

With her gone, I could press play on the remote and continue the show I was watching, but I don't. Instead, I find myself thinking about my date which I have to leave for soon. It's with a guy I met online. From what I know of him, he's good-looking, kind, and outdoorsy, someone I would surly get along with easily. But Amber going out with Andi has reminded me of Andi's best friend, a man I don't talk to anymore. I couldn't even do so if I tried, for I think he's blocked me on every platform there is. We're strangers now, but I still remember him inside and out. Usually, I keep the memory repressed so it doesn't bother me, but now that it's been brought up to the surface, I don't think I'll be able to see another guy tonight and not think of how much I wish he were Cyrus. 

I feel like a bit of a dick as I take out my phone and message the guy I was supposed to meet in a few hours to tell him that I can't make it anymore, but I've already tried using other guys to forget the one I'm still thinking about, and it never did any good for me nor for the guys I used, and I don't want to do that to another person. I don't want to pretend I'm ready for a new relationship when I'm clearly not. I'm not sure when I will be. 

Cyrus' POV

Present Day

"What do you think will get this stain off?" I ask as I hear TJ come down the hall. 

TJ's hair is wet from showering, and he wears a pair of dark green pyjamas that I bought him last year for the December holidays. He stops beside me to examine my work. I lean the mop against the wall to give myself a chance to stretch my arms. I've been scrubbing at the tiles for fifteen minutes now, and nothing has changed. The brown mark is still printed on the floor. 

"I hear Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are pretty good," TJ replies. 

"We'll have to buy some of those," I say. 

We both turn our attention to the door when we hear the doorbell ring, and since I'm not in my pyjamas yet, I'm the one to answer the door. Jamie is among the last people I'd expect to be standing outside in the cold, shivering in only a hoodie, and carrying a backpack stuffed full, but he's the one here. He looks scared, though I don't know what of, and I wave for him to come inside so that I can close the door. 

"I'm sorry," he says. "I just don't know where else to go."

"What do you mean?" I question. "Why can't you go anywhere else?"

"My dad kicked me out."

Immediately, I find myself looking at TJ whose eyes are glued on Jamie. I can imagine what memories are flooding through his head right now. 

"I came out to them," Jamie continues. "I told him I'm gay."

I had no idea that he was even considering doing that. He's never mentioned wanting to tell his dad, but based on what he's said about them and his beliefs, I wouldn't have recommended it. 

"He kicked you out of the house because of that?" I say, my chest feeling tight. 

"He told me he couldn't recognize me anymore," Jamie says. His eyes are turning red now as they fill with tears. "Can I stay here?"

Knowing that's not my decision to make alone, I glance over at TJ. He waves for me to come with him.

"One minute, okay?" I tell Jamie, and he nods.

I follow TJ down the hall and into our room so that we can talk in private. As soon as the door's closed, TJ's anger boils up.

"What kind of parent casts their kid out like that?" TJ growls. "Do you think he'll want him back soon?"

"I don't know," I respond. "Jamie's dad didn't strike me as a bad person. He might just be overwhelmed and need some time to realize he's wrong, or he might never change his mind, in which case, we'd need to figure out what to do with Jamie, because he'll need a real family."

"Until we determine that," TJ says, "I'm fine with letting him stay here. He needs a place to sleep."

I smile. "I agree."

I take a deep breath and let it drain out slowly. I feel nervous, nervous for this teenage boy without a home. I just want to do what is right, and it's difficult to know what that is, but I feel like this can't be the wrong choice. 

TJ and I head back out into the loving room where Jamie is anxiously waiting with wide eyes, bringing with me an extra blanket. I place it down on the couch, and Jamie watches. I can tell that he's feeling slightly less terrified, but he won't let himself feel relieved just yet.

"Do you need anything before you go to sleep?" I ask him. 

A smile curves the ends of his mouth as he relaxes. 

He shakes his head. "I'm okay. Thank you."

"Okay," I say. "If you need anything, just let me or TJ know."

He nods, and I look back to see a soft smile on TJ's face, confirming to me that we're doing the right thing. 

A/N: I was striking yesterday, hence why I didn't update. There is another big strike on November 29th. In Calgary, it starts at noon at City Hall. In other places, it could be a different time or place, but I'm not sure. Check the Fridays For Future page for your city or town to find out where and when your local strike is. Please come out if you can! In Calgary, we'll be having speakers, consisting of some amazing fellows I know. If you can't bring a sign, there will be sign making, but you don't need a sign. Just your face and voice to speak up for our planet. Tell all your friends and everyone you know. Please. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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