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Karen and Christine arrived at Stevie's at the same time, Karen with a bucket of fried chicken and potato salad in tow from the local grocery store. 

"Hey," Stevie says when they walk into the living room. This time she had the TV on and she was laying on the couch Brielle curled up on her chest. The baby sleeping away.

"Oh, Darn I wanted to hold her." Christine pouts. 

"Yeah, she just fell asleep, I don't want to put her in her little Moses basket and risk waking her up but I haven't eaten all day and I'm starving," Stevie says gently shifting the baby and placing her in the little basket. 

"This one has a stand and everything super fancy," Stevie says straightening out.

"Well come on, Chicken is getting cold." Karen motions towards the kitchen. 

As they were eating Stevie cleared her throat. "So I was thinking, I'm going to be in California for work a lot. And I mean a lot. What if we keep that house but put my Phoenix house up for sale?" 

"I can put either up. Whichever one. I do think Phoenix would be the best option though. Speaking of Phoenix when's your family coming?" Karen questions. 

"Thanksgiving. I told them that they're going to need to bring warm clothes. I don't know what the winters are going to be like here, but I have a general idea." Stevie shrugs. 

"Awe, we're going to have to learn how to drive in snow." Christine whines.

"I have to relearn how to drive. The last thing I learned to drive was a stick shift and now our cars are like automatic." Stevie states. 

"You should probably do that quickly before the snow does fly." Karen points pulling a piece of meat off of the chicken leg she was eating. 

"I'm thinking next month sometime. I just want to get settled right now." Stevie nods. 


After dinner, Christine was holding the baby and Brielle had fallen asleep when Stevie turned around on the couch and gazed down at her little miracle in her best friend's arms. 

"God Chris, can you believe I made that." Stevie sighs gently grabbing a little baby hand and rubbing her thumb against it. 

"Honestly Stevie, I didn't think you'd ever have children. She looks so much like you and I can barely see Lindsey in her. Well, the hair." Christine replies. 

"Yeah she has the Buckingham curls, but she's definitely my child." Stevie grins. 

"Alright, I think I'll get going. I'm exhausted and I want to finish unpacking tonight." Christine says shifting Brielle into her mother's arms. 

"Thanks for coming. Stop by anytime." Stevie stands up with her baby in her arms and hugs the older woman. 

After Christine leaves, Stevie pops her head in on Karen and tells her she's going up to her room but to lock up when she leaves. 


The next morning, Stevie had just finished feeding herself a leftover piece of chicken and Brielle when the doorbell rang. She stops running the water over her dish to place in the dishwasher, sits Brielle in the baby swing on the coffee table and goes to answer the door. On the other side was a woman who looked to be about mid-thirties, she was taller than Stevie by just a little bit maybe about five-four and she had strawberry blonde waves that ended about her breasts. 

"Hello." Stevie smiles opening the door wider. 

The woman squeals and her eyes bulge out of her head.

"Is something wrong?" Stevie asks.

"Oh no, I'm just...wow, Okay...Bill's going to freak out when I tell him that our new neighbor is Stevie Nicks. We're both huge Fleetwood Mac Fans...but I didn't stalk you or anything I'm just trying to be neighborly and." She starts rushing her sentences as Stevie just laughs and opens the door wider. 

"Come on in." 

"Are you sure?" She questions.

"Yes, absolutely." Stevie nods. 

"Oh, wow...I'm in Stevie Nicks' house...Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I'm Elizabeth Geoffry. My husband is William Geoffry, we just live to your left...that one story tan one. I always make it a point to go visit the new neighbors. I know you just got here yesterday...I was coming back from practice, I'm the Dance Team coach for the local High School. I also teach High School Math, but that's not important. I had seen the movers in and out and a woman with dark curly hair but she never stayed long so I figured she was the realtor or something. But when I saw you get here with boxes and everything I just had a feeling that our new neighbor was here. I hope I'm not too early or anything I know you've only been here for a day." Elizabeth states. 

"No, not at all, you brought me food. I can put off going to the grocery store for one more day. And I'm flattered that you're fans. I'm going to go put this in the kitchen, you can go make yourself comfortable in the living room but...I'm kind of keeping a secret so what you find in there could you please only let your husband know and tell him to keep it a secret as well..." Stevie trails off. 

"Uh, Sure..." Elizabeth says skeptically but makes her way into the living room anyway. 

When Stevie gets in there Elizabeth just stares at her mouth open. 

"Yeah...It's a big secret. Elizabeth Geoffry, meet Brielle Buckingham. No, Lindsey is not here...He kind of doesn't know. It's kind of why I moved to Michigan, I need to keep her out of the spotlight. Hollywood is not kind to kids of stars and I didn't want her exposed to that. And then things with Lindsey and I didn't go well and when I found out I was pregnant I just couldn't tell him. I know it's selfish...But I just met you and I don't want to unload all of my baggage on you." Stevie shakes her head. 

"She's so small...she can't be that old, Bill and I literally saw you on the Dance Tour in January." Elizabeth states. 

"I found out I was pregnant around the 28th of January. She was due on August 10th but I was getting out of the bath on August 1st and fell. I had to have an emergency C-Section. I'm still healing but I'm moving around more and my incision doesn't hurt when I stretch certain ways anymore." Stevie explains as the baby sleeps away in the swing. 

"Well, my little girl will have a playmate in the area then...Makenna was born on June 8th." Elizabeth replies. 

"Well, that is good to know. I'd love to meet her sometime." Stevie laughs. 

"Would you like to come over for dinner on Friday night, around 6:30? I know it's only Tuesday and it's short notice but it's worth a shot." Elizabeth smiles. 

"I think I would like that." Stevie nods. 

"I'll see you two then, and Stevie feel free to call me Liz...All of my friends do." Liz grins standing up and heading for the front door.

"See you, Friday Liz." Stevie grins. 

"Who was that?" Karen says coming out of the office door as Stevie jumps.

"Jesus Karen, You're going to give me a heart attack. I didn't even know you were here." Stevie gasps. 

"I'll always be here, I'm your assistant, it's my job." Karen crosses her arms. 

"Anyway, that was Liz Geoffry she lives next door. She brought me a casserole as a welcome to the neighborhood gift and she invited me and Brielle over for dinner on Friday. And NO, I'm not going to have her sign confidentiality. I trust her." Stevie rolls her eyes as her baby starts crying from the living room. 

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