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Thursday had arrived and Stevie found herself sitting in her child's seat in the class while her child perched up at Liz's desk in one of the two rolly chairs up there. She and Liz were sharing an apple while Stevie was just staring at them. The first bell rang and parents just started flooding in. Reinie sat right infront of Stevie where Hallie pointed her. The Freshmen were required to join their parents that night. 

"You know, It makes sense." Reinie turns back to Stevie.

"What?" She questions.

"Why Brandt is infront of Buckingham...I walked in and I'm like why are you pointing me infront of a person with the last name Nicks but then it clicked." Reinie chuckles.

"That my child and I don't have the same last name, yeah a lot of people don't understand that one." Stevie chuckles. 

"Alright Class, Oh my gosh this is so weird. I'm friends with a lot of you, and I actually started teaching in 1986 and I've had a lot of you guys as students some in High School, some in Night School, and now your parents and I feel so old. So I've been teaching for 28 years. I know I'm so old. But at this point, I know a lot. There's not much that I haven't seen. Anyway, as teachers we were tasked with the job of doing an all about me PowerPoint just so as Parents you know who you're sending your kids to every morning...So let's begin. I'm Elizabeth Geoffry. I graduated with a degree in Secondary Education from Ferris State I studied Math and Science. I got my Masters at Central Michigan University I studied Advanced Maths. I am married. I have two children. My daughter Makenna is also a Freshman so my husband is with her running through her classes. My other daughter is in fourth grade, 9 years old, five years younger than her big sister. I used to be a dancer so I also coach the poms' team. Some of my hobbies are cooking and drawing. Most mornings you'll find me here listening to oldies. My room is always open to students I'm here usually by 7:30 and I'm here until usually 6.  Just know that you're going to have to listen to The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. The occasional Country music. Any questions." 

"Yeah who are all those artists you listed?" One of her students asks. 

"Old People. Old People Music. We'll start with Stevie Nicks, she's one of the lead singers of Fleetwood Mac as well as a solo artist. She's known today as...any guesses?" Liz grins.

"The queen of rock and roll. A rock and roll sex symbol." One older man calls out.

"Yes, but I don't know how she'd respond to being called a sex symbol." Liz laughs. 

"Forbs you should totally play some Fleetwood." One of the adult women calls out.

"Awe Annie, I missed you. Sure I'll put some Fleetwood Mac on the board." Liz stares directly at Stevie and her head hits the desk. 

Liz plays the 1976 version of Rhiannon where a very young Stevie screams and wails into the microphone. Brielle, having never heard that version or seen that video just looks at Liz with wide eyes. Liz winks at her and as the song ends the bell rings and the parents' flood out of the classroom. Hallie and Reinie having the same first two classes walk closely with Stevie and Brielle.

"Stevie that was...wow." Reinie shakes her head.

"I know. I did that every night on stage and that was in 76 by the end of 81 my voice was shot by doing that. Seriously when you get home lookup Stevie Nicks live 1981 it's depressing." Stevie shakes her head. 

"Yeah, you do not sound the same." Brielle shakes her head as they walk into her History class.

"Well, I was 25 there. After that was filmed I started indulging in Cocaine which burned a hole in my nose which affects your voice and from like 83-93ish I smoked a pack of cigarettes every two days. But then I went to rehab for the second time because I was addicted to a tranquilizer and they made me quit in rehab. Don't do drugs kids." Stevie smiles taking their seats.


The Geoffrey's and the Nicks-Buckinghams ended up back at Stevie's house Christine was waiting for them with Pizza, a plan that had already been put into place since that morning.

"Well, Liz put me on display." Stevie states.

"Oh?" Christine asks.

"Yes, in her little PowerPoint she mentioned that she was a fan of Fleetwood Mac and one of the students asked who Fleetwood Mac was. One of the moms asked her to play some Fleetwood. She chose...oh yes, Midnight Special 1976, Rhiannon." Stevie states.

"The exorcist one?" Christine questions.

"Yes...Now Brielle's looking at me like I have three heads." Stevie states.

"Well Steves, you don't do the wails anymore." Christine shrugs.

"I can't anymore. My voice was so wrecked from that even if I attempted it would probably go really bad." Stevie winces. 

"Well speaking of Fleetwood Mac...do you think I could come back?" Christine asks looking between the adults in the room.

"My opinion yes. Stevie can sing Say You Love Me well, but it has to be you." Liz takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. 

"No...because who in the hell is going to take care of my kid if you go back....but at the same time, Christ Chris...It's YOUR band. Fleetwood MAC vie." Stevie replies grabbing a slice of pizza. 

"Aunt Chris, are you thinking about it?" Brielle asks.

"I really am. I kind of miss it in a sick sort of way." Christine explains. 

"I think, you need to get a personal trainer because it's a lot and you've been out of the game for fifteen years. That show is tough it's physically, and mentally draining. Second, I think you need to make a call to Mr. Fleetwood." Stevie shrugs. 

"I will, I'll call him tomorrow but what do we do about Bri. Both your parents are gone and Lori's back touring with you." Christine expresses.

Stevie just looks at Liz and gives a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Yeah, she can stay with us. I mean honestly, we live next store and she is fourteen. If you're comfortable with it. I'll just stay over here with her. We'll eat at our house, hang out and do everything over there but we'll just sleep here." Liz replies.

"I think that could be arranged. I mean, we won't know anything for sure until a tour is actually in the works but I'd be fine with that." Stevie smiles.

"Great I can't wait to get back out on the road." Christine cheers hugging Stevie. 

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