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May 15, 2015

As Stevie and Brielle were lounging around the living room, Law and Order: SVU on the television frantic knocks came at the front door. The mother and daughter shared a look, and Stevie set her strawberry cupcake she was just about to break into on the end table and she makes her way to the front door. 

When she opens it wide Lindsey pushes in three children and Stevie stands back her mouth wide. 

"Um, what's going on?" She inquires.

"We need a place to stay." Lindsey sighs. 

"Why?" Stevie asks walking further into the entranceway.

"I walked in on mom having sex with the guy that cleans our pool," William explains. 

"Oh...so are you divorced or are you getting a divorce?" Stevie inquires. 

"Divorced. It was finalized about two weeks ago. I got custody of the kids, the judge decided that I had the better income to take care of them than Kristen did, as she doesn't really have an income and we signed a prenup where she got nothing in the divorce settlement." Lindsey explains. 

"But that doesn't explain why you came to me...and how the hell did you keep it out of the press?" Stevie sighs. 

"Stevie, I'm not as famous as you. And I decided that since the kids and I needed to make a giant change, we'd come here. They have family here, and Leelee's starting High School next year, Will's going to be a Senior just like Bree, and I think they'll benefit from it. So until I can find a house here, we need a place to stay." He states. 

"Well, I only have two extra rooms. Lee and Stella are going to have to share. Come on I'll show you guys upstairs." Stevie sighs. 

"So you and my dad really have a kid together?" William asks when they get upstairs.

"Yes, she's downstairs you'll get to meet her...here are the guestrooms. You guys can pick whichever one you want. Um, there's a bathroom right at the top of the stairs that door that was left ajar, then there's one right here. The double doors are my room and then that's Brielle's room." Stevie points. 

"Thanks for letting us stay here Stevie." Leelee smiles. 

"You're welcome." She nods. 

When Stevie and the kids get down into the living room, Brielle waves awkwardly. 

"I filled her in Steph...um William, Leelee, and Stella this is Brielle." He introduces them.

"It's nice to meet you." Brielle waves.

"I'm going to call the schools in the morning, but it's late and we should all get some rest." Lindsey sighs.

"Yeah, I'm going to go take a shower." Brielle smiles walking up the stairs. 


As Brielle was getting cozy under her covers a knock came at her door and her mother came in. 

"Hey." She says.

"Hey, can we talk?" Stevie asks shutting the door.

Brielle just nods.

"You don't seem to happy about this situation." Stevie sighs.

"It's not that I'm unhappy. I had wanted to meet my siblings but they're like living with us and I don't know them and I don't know how to get to know them because I'm not on the same level." She shrugs.

"What do you mean?" Stevie inquires.

"Like, they grew up rich..and I know I grew up rich too, I always got everything I asked for but like...they went to private school and they lived in a subdivision. We live in fricken hicktown USA and I don't know...I don't think they're going to like me." She shrugs.

"Well, you never know until you try. It was a shock to me too when they showed up. Trust me. But it'll be okay." Stevie states.

"You think?" Brielle brings her knees up to her chest.

"I hope..." Stevie bites her lip and trails off.

"Goodnight Mom." Brielle sighs. 

"Goodnight baby. I love you." She sighs


As Stevie and Lindsey are getting ready for bed, Lindsey turns to her. "Is Brielle excited?" 

"She's petrified," Stevie states honestly.

"Why these are her siblings," Lindsey asks.

"They were raised differently. She never went to a private school, she doesn't own an equestrian center, she doesn't own a Mercedes like William. She always got what she wanted because I had the money to do that for her, but along the way, I taught her that she's not always going to get what she wants. She felt ambushed, and I think she would've liked to have met them prior too and they got to know each other." Stevie shrugs.

"Are you okay with this?" He asks.

"I felt ambushed too, but yeah...I'm okay with it." She smirks wrapping her arms around his neck. 

They had fallen into a slight affair when Lindsey came and did Soldiers Angel. Not too mention on the road. Stevie figured if anyone were to get caught in the affair it would be them but no, it was Kristen. 


The next morning Brielle was downstairs getting ready for school and as she went to leave she realized that her car was boxed in. She was already running late so she huffed and called Liz. With luck, Liz did come and get her and as they were driving back to school, Liz turned to her. 

"So now that we're both going to be late-ish, what are with all of the cars?" She questions.

"My dad and his children showed up at our house around 9:30 last night, I guess he's getting a divorce and so far he's been awarded custody of the kids and they're looking to start a life here but they have to stay with us for right now and I'm freaking out," Brielle answers honestly.

"Oh yeah, you've not met them. How did it go last night?" Liz inquires.

"Awkward, really awkward and we really didn't talk about anything we just went to bed." Brielle shrugs as Liz pulls back into her parking spot. 

"I think it'll be fine and hey, if it gets too bad you can come over and hang out with us. I'll see you in fourth hour." Liz hugs her as they part ways. 


Liz go her home and she had just enough time to change before work but she was frustrated because she still couldn't get out. 

"WHOEVER'S FRICKEN BMW IS BEHIND MY GARAGE DOOR NEEDS TO MOVE IT! I WAS LATE FOR SCHOOL THIS MORNING AND I'M ABOUT TO BE LATE FOR WORK!" She yells throughout the house as she sprints up the stairs and starts changing into her black swimming suit, lifeguard top and shorts. 

Stevie winces from her spot on the leather chair when she hears her daughter call out, but she about fumes when William snorts and looks at his dad.

"I'm not moving my car until she asks nicely." 

"William, go move your car...you're encroaching on her life, and her space, go move your car," Lindsey growls. 

William huffs but does as he's told and Stevie just lays her head in her hands. This was going to be interesting. 

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