Chapter 3: Night vs Day

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I immediately tensed up and watched the wolf. After about two seconds, it turned its head and looked at me. It looked like its eyes were glowing in the dark. It glared at me as I continued to look it in the eyes. I glared back just as hard. I knew that this had to be another werewolf. I wasn't sure what to do. The wolf let out a growl as I took a step closer to my house. I knew that I had a pretty good chance of getting in the door before the wolf caught me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to chance it though, just in case it decided it was going to try and follow me  into the house. I wasn't quite sure how I would be able explain to my parents how our front door got broken on the first night staying there. I paused again, while still maintaining eye contact with the wolf. I ran through some possible options before I decided what to do. I stood there for a bit more, debating on when I was going to make my move. While I was trying to think of a good time to move, I saw the wolf's eyes glaze over just like they did with the wolf that I had ran into in Utah. It felt like déjà vu. As soon as its eyes glazed over, I took that as my moment to bolt, and didn't think twice.

 I ran around to the back of the house, and headed straight for the cliff. As soon as I had taken off, the wolf had let out an angry warning howl, before barreling after me. Seconds later, more howls sounded. At that, I pushed myself as hard as I could. I knew that I had quite a good lead  on the wolf, but I was in my human form. Even with how fast I was running, it felt like it was catching up to me. All I had to do was make it to the cliff. As soon as I got close enough, I knew that I wasn't going to have time to be able to take the path down, so I made the rash and stupid decision to jump. As soon as I got to the edge, I pushed myself off as hard as I could. At the same time, I heard the wolf behind me trying to stop as fast as it could. Trying to focus on the current problem at hand, I pushed the wolf out of my head so I could try to focus on landing. I saw the ground fast approaching and tried to let my body relax. As soon as the sand was close enough, I tucked, and rolled the fall out. As soon as I was done rolling, I shakily rose to my feet. After checking for any major injuries and coming up okay, I looked around and saw that the wolf was still at the top of the cliff. The only good thing was, was that it had its back turned to me. I used this to my advantage as I tried to find a good hiding spot on the beach. As soon as I started to jog down the beach, I heard a bark from above. I looked up and saw that the wolf had started to move towards the path that went down to the beach. The worst part was, it now had friends. 

I stared to panic as I looked around for an escape route. I only knew about the one way down. I looked back at the wolves and was thankful that they were taking their time coming down the narrow path. I ran over my options in my head. I knew that the size of my wolf was nowhere near as big as theirs, however,  I knew that I was extremely fast in my wolf form. I looked around and saw a boulder sticking out of the sand. It wasn't very big but it would be big enough for me to hide behind while I shifted. I looked over at the wolves and saw that they were about half way down. I sprinted to the rock and dove behind it. Before I stripped, I took one last look at the wolves and saw that the first one had paused and was sniffing the air. I froze, and watched it before it let a bark and started to come down the path much faster than before, like it  had more of purpose now. I felt my blood run cold and then stripped and shifted as fast as I could. As soon as I had shifted, I grabbed my clothes in my mouth, looked back to gauge where the wolves were at, and then took off in a dead sprint across the sand. Or at least I tried to. I had never ran in sand before, and there was a lot more resistance than what I was expecting. I pushed myself as hard as I could though. When I got to where the water met the sand, it was lot easier. I continued to push myself. I didn't want the wolves to catch up with me. I didn't look back as I continued to run. I kept my eyes on the cliff's edge to see if I couldn't find a way off of the beach. 

As I was running, I heard some barks way off in the distance. I knew that I had a good lead on them, but I didn't want to give up. I kept my eyes peeled just in case anything else were to come my way. After about two more minutes of running, I finally saw a path up. I veered to the left and pushed myself over the sand. Once I was to the path, I sprinted up. When I finally got to the top, I walked over to the edge and crouched down. I saw that the pack of wolves were a good distance back. I watched for a couple seconds longer before I got up and started going in the direction that I had just came. I ran in the trees next to cliff and tried to stay out of sight from the beach. I wasn't sure where the wolves were and I didn't want to find out. I kept running until I picked up the faint scent of my family. I started to slow down when I finally saw my house in the distance. I stopped behind a tree and shifted back. I started to slip my clothes back on when I realized that I was missing my necklace. I panicked when I couldn't find it anywhere. I was silver Celtic wolf pendant on an adjustable leather "chain"; Cam had gotten it for me the birthday after I shifted. It had never broken before when I shifted, so it shouldn't be gone because of that. The only plausible things that I could think of, was that I had somehow taken it off when I had stripped out of my clothes, or it had come off when I had jumped off of the cliff. I was about to get ready to go look for it on the beach when I heard a group of howls not far off in the distance. I decided to scrap the idea and just go back into the house. 

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