Chapter 4: Perplexed

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As I looked up, my eyes met the most beautiful pairs of eyes that I had ever seen. They were a deep dark blue. In fact, they were the darkest blue that I had ever seen in a pair of eyes. They seemed to swirl underneath the surface, almost like storm was brewing off the coast. I was so lost in this strangers eyes, that the rest of the world seemed to fade around me. The only thing to exist in that moment were this strangers blue eyes. Then, off in the distance, I heard someone say my name. With that, I was pulled out of my trance, and looked away to see where the sound was coming from. I turned and saw that Cam had come up to look at the display case with me.

"Emmy," Cam waved his hand in front of my face, "Hey, did you find anything in there that you want?" Cam asked while giving me perplexed look.

I nodded my head at Cam, "yeah, I want one of those scones," I said while pointing to case. 

He hummed in response and went back to looking. I turned back around and realized that the stranger with the beautiful blue eyes was still behind me. Thinking that I was still in his way I quickly apologized, "Oh shoot, sorry, I must be in your way," I said as quickly moved out of his way so he could look at the same things Cam was. Instead of thanking me and moving to look at the treats, he just watched me instead with a perplexed look on his face. 

"Oh darling, you could never be in my way" he said. 

I had to keep my mouth from dropping open. After he spoke, I actually took the time to look at him. Not only were his eyes the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, his voice also sounded like it had come straight from the heavens. It was deep and gravely, and sounded like it held a lot of authority, yet it made me want to go weak in the knees. As I looked at him, I realized that he himself was made by gods. He was the hottest man I had ever seen in my life. He was tall compared to me, and he was built like a tank, it looked like he could pick me up without even trying. His hair was a deep brown, almost black and it looked like he just gotten out of bed with it. I felt my mouth run dry when he called me darling, something about him made something in me want to go crazy. Not only that, but I could feel Lupa stirring more than usual, she approved of whoever this man was too. I felt utterly confused. 

I was once again broken out of my trance by Cam. When he realized that I was talking to someone that wasn't him, he had perked up to listen. After hearing what the guy said to me, Cam almost immediately interjected. "Hey, watch it buddy," he said pointing a finger at the stranger, "nobody talks to her like that."

The man narrowed his eyes at Cam and opened his mouth to speak. Before he could say anything else, I interjected, "Cam its fine"

Cam rolled his eyes at me and looked back to the stranger and narrowed his eyes at  him. The stranger then spoke up, "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I was just letting her know that she wasn't in my way."

Cam narrowed his eyes even more at the stranger, "Whatever," he said before turning back to me, "Come on Em, let's go sit back down." He didn't give me much room to argue as he grabbed my wrist and started to drag me back to where we were sitting. 

When Cam started to drag me, I swear I heard a small growl from behind me. I whipped my head around and saw that the man was glaring at Cam's hand around wrist. When he saw that I was looking at him, he directed his look back to me. His eyes softened as they looked at me. "Sorry" I mouthed at him as I walked away. 

Cam and I finally got back to the table and sat back down with our parents. I turned to look at Cameron, "What was that?"

"What was what?" Cam asked back.

"You know what I'm talking about, I know how to take care of myself you know.I don't need you to interject any time that somebody talks to me"

"He was looking at you like a piece of meat Em, I didn't like it, and you weren't doing anything, so I stepped in"

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