Chapter 1: Well now what?

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I looked back inside at the house that I grew up in. I took everything in as all of the memories of my childhood flooded back. Then I shut the door, closing that chapter of my life. I turned around and walked down the porch and towards the car to join my parents and my brother for the long journey that I knew lay ahead, yay me. Now, to clear the air, my dad thought that it would be a great idea to move the entire family half way across the country for a fresh start. Start fresh from what, you may ask? Your guess is as good as mine. So, here I am, sat in the back of my dad's car getting ready to make the move from Iowa to Oregon.

There's not much that I'm excited about (In fact I'm really not happy about any of this at all), but there is one thing that I am excited about. The forest. Although I was born to human parents, I'm what some people would call a werewolf. I'm not one of the scary monster ones that you would see at halloween, but I'm not a giant horse like the ones in twilight. I can just shift into (what I think) is a pretty normal sized wolf. The biggest question that's probably coming out of all of this is, 'Wait a second, I thought you JUST said that you born to HUMAN parents??? That doesn't make sense at all, explain!?' Well, you're right, I am a werewolf and I WAS born to human parents. Right after I was born, I was put into the NICU. While I was there, one of the doctors took me, and kidnapped me. He was running some experiments on how to turn humans into different animals. I have no idea if he was successful before me, but he was successful with me, that's for sure. Like I said though, before I was found this quacky doctor did a bunch of experiments on me and was able to turn me into a werewolf. At the time that it happened though, the doctor didn't know that his experiments had worked, I shifted for the first time when I was 12. That was an experience and half all on its own, and a story for another time. The thing is though, my parents nor my brother know that I ever shifted. They still think that I'm a normal human. Any-who, enough backstory for today and back to the matter at hand. I'm moving, and I really don't want to.

My parents had already shipped a lot of our things to our new house. We still were pulling a trailer behind us full of all of our other stuff. After walking out of the house and closing the front door for the last time, I joined my brother in the backseat, and then the journey to my new life started. 

By the time my dad called it quits, we were somewhere in Utah. I was sick and tired of sitting in a car and my family was driving me up the wall. Too bad for me, we still had another day of traveling ahead of us. Lucky for me, my dad happened to pick the perfect hotel for me to be able to go on a run, in wolf form. The hotel was busy enough not to raise suspicion if I were to go on a walk but secluded enough and close enough to some woods for me to be able to let my wolf out.

My parents were kind enough to get two rooms for the night, so everybody would have their own bed to sleep on, and there would be no fighting over who had to sleep on the air mattress. After my brother and I had gotten semi-settled into our room, I decided that it was time to go for a run, that and my wolf was about bust out of her seams if I didn't let her out right away.

"Hey Cam," I yelled through the bathroom door, "I'm going to go for walk, I'll be back in a bit!"

All of the sudden the bathroom door opened and Cameron was standing there with an annoyed look on his face, "Uh, you're not going for a walk at this hour Emersyn, at least not alone"

I rolled my eyes at him comment, "I'm a big girl Cameron, I think I can handle going for a walk by myself, plus, if anything were to happen, I have my phone on me and I'll call you or dad. I'll be back soon, I promise." Cameron started to protest, but I cut him off by shutting the door in his face. Too bad I didn't take his advise and stay inside.

As soon as I got outside, I made a beeline for the woods that were right next to the hotel. The lobby of the hotel was still busy with people returning from their day of doing whatever, and there were plenty of people milling around outside as I was walking. As I walked through the parking lot, the less people there were, which was a good thing in my case. Before I walked into the woods, I made sure nobody saw me and then continued forward. I kept going until I was a good way into the woods before I took my clothes off and left them in a bag that I brought with me when I left the hotel. After stripping, I shifted and wasted no time turning, I felt the familiar snaps and pops as I turned into my wolf. Once the transformation was complete I took off. It was amazing to feel the soil under my paws and be able to take in the fresh scent of the trees. My wolf, that I called Lupa was ecstatic to be let out. The long car ride had left both of us feeling anxious and claustrophobic. Not a good combo to give to a werewolf if you ask me, that and combined with the smell of the car, now that was a bad mix. I was amazed that I was able to make it through the entire car ride without something happening.

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