Duncan and Courtney

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Okay this couple, where people disagree and agree with. Honestly I disagree with this couple. Before you continue remember it's my opinion, and as everyone is, as am I are entitled to my opinion to hate or like this couple. If you don't like it that's fine, but don't leave comments ranting why I am in the wrong, or you hate me because of what I think. 

Courtney is in the top 5 characters I absolutely hate. She is that preppy I'm so much better then you attitude, honestly I like Heather over this chick. The repetition of the word C.I.T is the number one thing I hate about her especially when she uses it for everything even though no one cares EVER on the show. They hear it and its a "who cares you're a C.I.T we don't see it as important." Yes she is a good contestant at some points, however shes a huge hypocrite and just overall annoying. The show would have been better off without her honestly. The only time I liked her was in total drama island, but the C.I.T was still super annoying, and afterwards I just hated her, and to those who thought she was a villain this brunette isn't. In ways she was like Heather and to me they weren't "real" villains, and Courtney just was one of those wannabe, whiny, hypocritical girls who thought she was a villain. 

Alright now that I have ranted why I hate that character, on with the couple themselves. This couple was okay in total drama island the typical bad boy with the preppy goody goody, however later in the seasons it turned toxic to where I didn't ship this couple anymore. 

I can see why some people support them, I did during total drama island, but after seeing how controlling Courtney was during Total Drama Action I just was instantly unshipping them. I understand during the whole searching for the suitcase Courtney had that "every man for themselves" especially when Duncan twisted his ankle, he would have done the same thing most likely, so I wasn't against that type of behavior. It was after that long list of qualities Courtney wanted to change about Duncan that was way overboard. Even though she believes she's mature and on top of everyone she's the exact opposite and I really dislike perfectionists. Duncan is fine the way he is, and she was just all for changing every single little flaw not acknowledging she had any herself.  Duncan didn't suggest having her change anything about herself he was satisfied with her wild and competitive side after he helped develop it even when it meant competing against one another. I hated that he kept crawling back to her even though it was abusive. I know this is a kids show, but I like to explain why I don't like a couple from a more psychology view. In World Tour, Courtney was surprised she even mentioned about screwing up over him to even trying to take the tape out of the recorder in the bathroom. Honestly, I only see these two as really a fling, one time thing, and after they officially broke up it was sad to see Duncan still trying to win Courtney back even though he hurt her so badly. It doesn't seem like either one has remorse for hurting the other too which explains how narcissistic they sort of were to one another. 

Duncan I believe enjoyed the control he had and competing with Courtney was part of that control.  Control can be a huge ego booster for people, and with the lack of maturity Duncan had it just made a little more sense for me because he could have easily dumped Courtney since he seemed serious about being with Gwen. There could have been some fear in there, but I think control was something he liked having over her especially with her own controlling personality. Some people date two people at a time sometimes for the control because they are getting to do what they want manipulating others to do what they want. As Owen said hes dated "two hotties" and Tyler said "hes got mojo" so in a way Duncan may have felt like he was a player even if he did get his balls kicked by Courtney. Those two went back and forth with competing, controlling, getting one up over the other making the other feel like a loser. In All Stars Courtney was ignoring Duncan when he tried speaking and that upset him because he wasn't getting a reaction, so he chose to copy her not defending Gwen when she asked him too. There is the competition those two seem to share with one another. To me it's just a toxic relationship and to me it made more sense they ended. Duncan can do much better especially with how Courtney's big ego seems to dominate over everything including her feelings for Duncan.

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