Emma and Noah

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This is my favorite couple in the ridonculous race season even if Emma was a little...obsessed, but hey everyone has their flaws it's not a toxic relationship like a few others that I have mentioned. 

These two have qualities in common, as Kitty and Owen commented, and to me they look good together. I wish they kept the sarcastic Noah from total drama action though in this season to me it would have made things more funny as the two could have joked back and forth using sarcastic tones.  Emma is a very competitive, bull headed, and motivated young woman who's goal to get into law school made her attend the crazy race with her sister. Noah on the other hand doesn't seem to have much interest in competition even though he's been on Total Drama, but I think Emma is far more competitive and willing to be physical unlike Noah. In the relationship, I definitely think Emma wears the pants in it especially by how forward she is when she isn't afraid to tell Noah how her team would win the race instead of his. If either one wasn't intelligent I can't see them being a couple I just feel that because they're both highly intelligent gives them not only that extra quality they share in common, but how their personalities would also interact with one another.

I kinda enjoyed seeing Noah in a sick puppy love mood since he hasn't had a love interest in the  Total Drama series as it gave him time to have a bit more character development especially in Total Drama Action. I think it showed a different side then just a smart, sarcastic, and a lazy individual. The crush this boy had on Emma to me was really adorable especially when Emma was oblivious to it at first as she tries to get Noah's attention while he stares at her imagining her as smiling and waving to him when in reality she was showing a different attitude. It's as if her attitude toward Owen is what got him to go all gaga that time especially when Emma didn't bite her tongue when telling Owen he was wrong about what he guessed during Charades.  I wonder if her athleticism in the Gymnastics challenge along with her beauty is what caught Noah's attention as he didn't interact with the twins previously having no knowledge of Emma's personality. His big eyed lovey dovey look was so cute that even the fact of Owen standing on the smaller male knock him out of his trance of thinking about his crush.  Even though they were both competing I'm sure if Noah really wanted too he would have given Emma and Kitty the win if it would be one of those teams in the bottom two. Emma pushes the guy to the floor and he's just amazed by her still not back talking her when she boldly tells Owen and Noah to give up. Owen even told her that Noah would have a comeback against what she said but instead well..again the lovey look appeared. Maybe he likes the sassy, and competitive type girls? Later on though, Noah admits that Emma has been distracting him slowly realizing he is starting to develop feelings for this girl that takes him by surprise even by the look on his face. Once Kitty informs Owen of why Noah was acting differently well they made it their mission to hook the two up which I think is super sweet, but in the end caused issues for both teams. It was also super cute when Owen was embarrassing Noah about why he didn't want the window seat since he "always wants the window seat" teasing his friend about his crush being across from him which causes Noah to hide his face with a magazine.  Being Noah he wouldn't have cared if anyone else would have fallen to their death, but since it was Emma he suddenly grew a heart as he saved her from her unfortunate fate if he didn't. I mean I don't like people all that much, but I wouldn't let someone fall to their death if I could help them. After letting the sisters take first, Noah immediately confesses he doesn't want the money but the girl however...Emma was still fighting against the thought of being in a relationship in the game until later on when it happened.

Regarding Emma in this relationship I think she was oblivious to Noah's feelings at first because winning the competition was her goal, and then her breakup with Jake her Ex-Boyfriend from three years ago still kept her prisoner in the past involving her love life. Later on, Emma tells the viewing audience that she "fell apart" after the nasty breakup with her Ex. In a way, I think she's trying to protect herself from another heartbreak which isn't wrong since we rather not feel the sting of pain and rejection.  I think Emma didn't like how she was allowing herself to become infatuated with Noah as she confesses later on that it began messing with both teams, and how they were competing in the race something she was afraid of. After all, Emma was there to win the cash prize not to find a new boyfriend as she is ambitious in getting into the best law school, and that requires serious cash. Seeing how Kitty knew about the feelings Emma was developing for Noah, she kept denying it as if embarrassed in a way. This causing her sister to become frustrated that her older sister was repressing her feelings and holding onto the past. Emma is seriously conflicted...should she have a relationship or focus on the race and get into her dream school? It could explain why she acted the way she did toward Noah for a while even telling Owen she didn't care that Noah liked her causing that moment of frustration at why Emma herself wasn't sure why she said that. I also wonder if Emma has scared men off by how far she thinks their relationship will last as we see with her and Noah. This girl gets so excited about her relationship with Noah that she mentions rehearsal dinners for their wedding causing a "what?" look on Noah's face. He didn't even know what she means by rehearsal dinners. Sometimes when a person begins speaking of the future it can possibly cause the other person that they're involved with to feel like they're already backed into a corner, or chained as some would say when a man is going to be married. Her sister who encouraged Emma to confess to Noah of having feelings is now telling her older sister to focus on the game, and that she can have the best of both worlds if Emma's priorities are in order which is winning the million. I also wonder about if Emma knows how to set the boundaries and her priorities when it involves multiple areas of her life such as her goals, and love life as she seemed to in a consistent conflict with herself throughout the race. Kitty consistently has to remind her about the game as she slips up a few times regarding what's more important. 

Their first interaction was super cute, and I'm glad the writers had the two get together even if it was to get away from Owen's lethal gas on the plane. The two finally got to talk and get to know one another leaving their teammates to talk among each other. I think that was the starting point for Emma as she accidentally mentions his name during a confession quickly trying to cover it up once her sister points it out.  The "nicest thing" Emma said about how  "Noah isn't the worst human being in the world" was another step she took since as Kitty said was the nicest thing she's ever said. I mean if someone saved my life, and helped me stay in a competition I probably say something better...but it's Emma so..not much we can do about that as she still had that attitude that Noah also had even though I'm sure she was more grateful then she allowed the world audience to see. In Beijing on the airplane ride there during the confession with the twins Emma finally admitted she did like Noah and seemed to be a bit startled just like how Noah was when he first realized how he felt toward Emma in Hawaii.  Throughout the competition their relationship begins to slowly grow as the two begin to get closer to one another Noah asking her questions, trying to impress her, thinking that acting like her will "make her see we make a great couple" which ultimately backfires. He does score points though when he willingly holds up their cart causing him a lot of pain, but the beauty of Emma keeps him going through it even though he didn't mean to say it out loud. Noah and Emma become a couple later on in the competition both getting distracted and completely forgetting that they are both after that money..well Emma and Kitty are as Noah already tells the viewing audience he's after the girl not the money.  They share moments during the Bungee challenge when Emma wants a picture of her and Noah even though they're in the middle of a challenge, then Bungee jumping together both remembering a romantic moment in titanic almost kissing once more before Owen and Kitty getting on them about being distracted. I wasn't surprised that Emma ended things, but I was sorta surprised by how Noah took it. I didn't expect him to be fine since well he got dumped by a girl he liked a lot, and was most likely the first girl he had a crush on by how he acted from trying to impress her to making awkward situations. He took it much harder then what I thought though the poor guy wasn't even trying to do anything anymore leaving Owen to drag him throughout the race. Noah didn't even flinch when animals landed on the front of the truck as Owen drove recklessly as if life didn't matter anymore. However, I also feel like he might have taken what she said out of context as Emma said "not on the show" that didn't mean off the show. I think the shock of the whole breakup mixed up reality for him possibly. How Noah broke out of his heartbroken trance reminded me of sleeping beauty since Emma was his love interest and for sleeping beauty to awaken from her sleep was by true love's kiss.  Hearing Emma's voice and that she still wanted to be with him finally hearing "I can't do the romance thing until the race is over, but after I win you and I are so on" caused him to come out of that comatose like state. I wish their kiss was more on the romantic side...but I'm a hopeless romantic so I'm asking to much from a cartoon, however I am glad they did kiss before the season ended. 

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