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- I'm changing Lance's perspective thing to this symbol ||| because the bolding thing looks stupid
- I will be writing one shots so give me some suggestions cuz I have no fucking clue on what I should do. Also I'm willing to take any suggestions no matter what they are.
- Also sorry if these take a while to get published. Writers block sucks.
- Finally I will be posting one shots every three episodes so yeah


Its been six days since that fight with Lance and still everything just keeps playing over in my head. I kept imagining a crestfallen Lance standing still watching me walked away. I can just imagine him standing there. I've really screw things up badly between us, haven't I? A wave of disheartenment followed by a flash of anger ran through me. Fueled by my own rage, the training felt easier to get through than usual. I don't know how long I was there for until I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey Keith." It was Pidge.
        "End combat simulation." I say. The bots disappear into the floor and I turn to face them. "Hey Pidge."

        "Allura said that we've landed on another planet to stretch our legs and get out or something. I think you should come with us." Pidge says. It's not a bad idea plus I might be able to distract myself from thinking about Lance if I'm with other people. Or... as long as he's not there.

        I go with Pidge following them out and seeing Hunk... and Lance. I guess I won't getting the distraction I wanted. While we walked Hunk and Pidge kept up a conversation with each other while Lance and I walked behind them in silence. I did the best job I could to stare at the ground in front of me and not look at Lance. What made this more difficult however was that his presence and the tension between us was almost suffocating.

        After about thirty minutes of pure uncomfortable silence between us at last we'd arrived at the market. It was nicer than my expectations. It was akin to a mall mixed with a third world food market.

        "Guys I think it's better if we split into groups Keith and I'll go together and Lance and Hunk. We've got a few hours to burn so I'd spend them wisely. And try not to get separated. Who knows what this market is like?" Pidge said. I felt a stone drop in my stomach. At a point in time when I was tired and Pidge caught me in a vulnerable state I'd told them about how I thought of Lance and they deduced that I had a crush on him. This meant that they were probably going to question me about Lance. Thankfully, at least, they haven't told anybody so far.

        Both of our groups split into different directions. After a moment Pidge finally decided to speak, "So what's the deal with you and Lance I mean I know you guys have this rivalry thing going on but the tension between you was unbearable."

          After they asked this, everything just came tumbling out, "Well we got into a fight six days ago and basically I told him he was stupid before walking off because of something he kept asking and-"

        "Woah, woah, wait slow down. I'm so confused what? How about you start whenever this started."

        I told Pidge what had happened, while we walked. I'd found that Pidge in general was a pretty good confidant and I felt more comfortable tell them stuff like this.

"You've really screwed yourself over ya know that?" Pidge said when I finished I glared at them.

"Thank you for enlightening me on the fact that I fucked up big time. Now could you try giving me some advice perhaps?" I said in an annoyed voice.

"How about you try apologizing? Ever consider that? It's really not that hard." Pidge responded.

"Really Pidge? I'm in the mood for your sarcasm." I said in an irritated voice.

        "It's more like condescension actually-" They aay before I cut them off.
        "I didn't fucking ask! Can you just focus on the matter at hand." I yell.

        "Okay sorry jeez!" They say in the 'wow learn how to take a joke' voice.

        "No it- it's my fault" I say in a frustrated voice, "I shouldn't've snapped at you. I'm just stressed about this entire thing and I screwed it up and I don't even know what to say to him. But that doesn't give me an excuse to yell at you." I say, still a little frustrated.

        "Wow an apology? Who are you and what've you done with Keith?" They say. "I'm kidding, it's just now you have to try an aim an apology towards a stupid little twirp who crawled his way into your heart." They say.

        "Heh, yeah but still, it's just- what do I say to him? 'I'm sorry I called you an idiot and was an overall dick to you please don't hate me?'" I say in a despondent tone.

        "I mean kinda." I look at them quizzically. "What I meant by that is, you know what you have to apologize for, now you need to know how to say it in an appropriate manner." They say simply.

        "I mean I guess, but then how do I even approach him about it?" I ask, a little less dejected.

        "Just be honest and forward about it, just go into his room and ask him if he wants to talk, or if he'll allow you to apologize. Trust me you can do this." They say in a laidback way. "I would, however, leave out the "please don't hate me" part, but that's just me."

        "Well thanks Pidge." Maybe whatever apology I give to him won't be a complete train wreck.

I turned to say something to Pidge when I see Hunk headed towards us, "Hey guys it's time to
go if we wanna get back to the ship." We both followed him to the edge of the market where Lance was standing. As soon as we got there Lance started walking ahead of us meaning that Pidge and Hunk, who were chatting with each other the entire way back, were walking between the two of us. Another thirty minutes of walking before we were back at the ship. Just in time as well, it seemed as though the instant we got on board I could hear the ship start up.

I walk to my room and sit down on my bed before falling on my back. So what exactly do I even say to Lance? As soon as I thought about this I got an idea. I sat up, got off the bed and went over to my desk and pulled out one of the drawers. I removed a well made sketchbook. Most of it had notes and plans but in the mix there were a few drawings. I flipped through the book until I came upon a blank page and started to write out ideas. It's not much but it'll help. I wrote different ideas later into the "night" (a.k.a time in which we're supposed sleep) before realizing how late in our time schedule it was. I closed the notebook and put it back in the drawer I had retrieved it from, then headed to sleep with more ideas racing through my mind that would only be long forgotten by morning.

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