Chapter 1

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Ellie's POV

"COME ON GET UP!" I yell in my thick British accent at the motionless body lying on the couch in front of me. No response. "NOW!" I scream, shaking my best friend's body.

She groans, pulling her pillow up to her face. "CARLA, GET UP NOW YOUR COMING WITH ME TO THE CONVENTION WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" I yell, ripping both the pillow and blankets off her at the same time.

"Okay, okay, calm your farm." She replies sarcastically. "Good. Now get up we only have an hour to get there and it takes half an hour to get there." I say back, hints of excitement showing in my voice.

I thought myself as an ordinary girl, though everyone told me i was the weirdest person they knew. I'd like to think of Carla as my best friend, she was 17 when we met, working at the same fast food store, Subway. Her 19th birthday was a few weeks ago, everything went well until her boyfriend; Joey was caught cheating on her. Obviously, she was heartbroken, she moved into my apartment after swearing to never speak to him again. I'm 17, turning 18 in August. Carla and I worked in journalism when we moved to England, after living in Australia for our childhoods. I held my job in journalism, but Carla did not. Even though I'm quite a bit younger than Carla I'm always the mature one, keeping her out of trouble, I like to think of myself as a leaning post for her, we were practically sisters.

"I'M READY!" Carla beamed, jumping onto my back, her short orange hair swishing into my face in the process. I coughed and she jumped off my back, skipping around the room with a large grin on her face. She was such a dope at times.

"So... where exactly are we going?" she chimes, grabbing a biscuit from the tin and shoving it in her mouth. Yeah, real ladylike I thought to myself, shaking my head.

"What?" she says, questioning my stance.

"You've got to start acting your age, seriously, shoving cookies in your mouth?" I reply, laughing a little.

"Oh please, I'm Peter Pan. I am never. Growing. Up!" She sings, walking up to me and pinching my cheeks. This girl was seriously mad.

"So where are we going? You never told me." She announces, curious.

"Well, it's a surprise!" I say back. I can't believe she'd forgotten, I'd been talking about this for days. I glanced at the clock, 9:40, we had about 20 minutes to get there on time. "Let's go, we're taking the train." I announce, butterflies fluttering around my stomach in immense excitement.

Carla had no clue where we were going the whole train ride, she was so oblivious as to what was around her, that's what I loved about her, she believed anything I told her. I even remember in year 10 I'd told her she had a math exam the next day, just so she'd pay attention in class instead of stalking Sleeping with sirens' YouTube channel, whoever they were.

We got off the train at the embankment station, up some stairs to the London convention area. I saw a banner draped over the side of the building, reading Degrassi. I knew Carla had noticed because she stopped in her tracks, not walking an inch more. "Seriously, grow up" I say to her, scowling. "Please, please, please don't make me go in there!" She pleaded, clutching her chest and pretending to faint.

"Too bad" I laughed, "Suck it up princess."

"You know the condition for me coming to this stupid convention was taking me for ice cream, right?" She announced.

I rolled my eyes, "Sure, sure."

She was such a little girl sometimes.

We walked through the large hall in which had a small stage in the middle. Somehow my new red nail polish and nails were being destroyed, damn nerves. There were two boys with popcorn that Carla seemed to know, so she skipped along and sat next to them, most probably planning to steal their sweets. Usually I'd be worried about her talking to random strangers but today I couldn't care less, I looked around, scanning the room for the familiar face I'd seen so many times.

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