I can't keep calm or keep a smile on my face
Because all I do is worry about your health and mental state
When you're not with me I feel scared and alone
I just wanna call you but it's hard to pick up the phone
I can't tell you how I feel because I'm scared of how you'll react
I want you to tell me your problems but they make my brain go wack
I worry to much but I love you more
It's like I've got so many problems behind a too small closed door.
I just wanna love you without all these negative thoughts
I'm trying way too hard and I wish true love was bought.
Everything would be so easy if I could leave you behind,
But we both know that would leave me in an unstable state of mind.
I'm afraid of losing you and I worry every day so God please help me find an easy way to ease all my pain.
I'll do anything to keep you, not because I want you but because honestly I need you.