Chapter 11:Not Going Anywhere

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I woke up in one of joonies over sized t shirts his arm was on my waist he was still asleep. He looked so perfect. His jawline , his abs, his hair, it was all so perfect. He was my perfect everything. He opens his eyes awakening from his sleep.
"Good morning beautiful" he said placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Good morning my love" I said caressing his cheek.
"Thank you for last night princess im so grateful to have you" he said as he pulled me closer to him. My head is now on his chest. I grab his hand intertwining our fingers. Then ... the door opened.
"Princess you were really having sex last night without me" said yoongi looking a little upset.
"You'll have your turn yoongi I missed joonie too much I haven't really spent time with him since I've been pleasing you guys." I said while joonie and I look at each other. Joonie give me a smile then gives me a peck on the lips.
"I see anyway come down jin made breakfast" said yoongi exiting slamming the door shut.
Joonie and I both jump at the sudden slam.
"He's mad isn't he" I said.
"Yeah babe but I think he's just not use to sharing since he's very possessive. He's been like since he was little. Babe don't worry about it he'll be back to normal in a few minutes." Said joonie as he got out of bed.

I made my way towards the kitchen still in the oversized t shirt. The aroma of bacon got my attention as I followed the smell to the kitchen where jin was preparing pancakes,eggs, and bacon.
I stood next to jin wrapping my arm into his arm.
"AHHHH BACON!!!" I shouted excitedly. "I didn't know you liked bacon that much" said Jin as he let out a chuckle. "I think you like bacon more than me" said Jin as he placed a kiss on my head. "What how dare you say such a thing I don't only like bacon I LOVE bacon" I said as I chuckled since I knew what he expected me to say. "Oh y/n" he said letting out a sigh. "Can you go set the table please" he asked i then nodded as I went to the cabinets and grabbed the plates. I went to the dinning table as I was setting the plates down all I felt was my ass getting smacked. I Turn my head to see who it was while he hugged me from behind. "Oh my gosh Jungkook you scared me." I said as I sighed in relief.
"You don't need to be scared baby I'm here I'm not going anywhere I promise" he said as he placed a kiss on my neck. "Okay but if you're not gonna help me kookie please stop bothering me I need to set the table" I said as I set the last plate down. " alright baby I'll go get the utensils" he said as he made his way towards the kitchen cabinets. Jimin then enters the dinning room he gives me a hug then gives me a kiss. His eyes look swollen and red his face seems puffy almost as if he's been crying. "Jimin are you okay?" I asked with a concerned tone. "Y/n just promise you will never leave us." He said hugging me tighter. "Jiminie im not going anywhere I'm here to listen if you want to talk. I'm here go comfort you. You can talk to me whenever you're ready okay let's just go eat breakfast and if you want we can talk after that." He let me go and we held hands and sat as jin brought breakfast to the table. The boys were already sitting and noticed jimin wasn't okay. "Y/n did you break up with jimin?" Said hoseok. " no he's just not okay right now but don't worry he'll be better later hopefully." I said as I lifted our hands and kissed the back of his hand placing it on my thigh.

After breakfast taehyung decided we all go to karaoke later tonight. I decided to go swimming so I had nothing to to the rest of the day. I went to joonies room and looked through our walk in closet. I no longer stayed in the guest room since I loved sleeping with joonie. I open one of the drawers where my bathing suits are. There were too many to choose from so I picked a simple white bathing suit.

As I left the room I made my way towards the swimming pool while going I shouted "GUYS IM GOING SWIMMING!"

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As I left the room I made my way towards the swimming pool while going I shouted "GUYS IM GOING SWIMMING!". That immediately caught all the guys attention. The boys ran to their room to get dressed into their swim shorts then came to the pool while I was on a sun bathing chair with my eyes clothes enjoying the sun. As time goes by we're all playing games in the pool and enjoying our time. Jimin seemed better we didn't talk after breakfast it looked as if he wasn't comfortable to talk yet. I still wanna know why he was so upset.

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