Ch.6 Search

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"Thank you Hana" Leyla said "Your welcome Leyla...but please try to find him for me and maybe we can meet you other dragon friends tomorrow" Hana said "we're looking forward to it Hana" Summer said before they both went to go look for me however they both went back to the roost "hey Leyla how was your questioning with Imo?" Winger asked "we actually talked to his mother...who was a were-dragon herself and got some pretty good information on Imo" summer said "what information do you have about him?" Aggro asked "more specifically what dragon is he?" Cutter asked "he's a crimson bloodwing" Leyla said "that's the most feared dragon in the dragon land!" Winger exclaimed "his mother said that he may be vicious but he's a real sweetheart once you get to know him...but we have to find him and that's where you guys come in" summer said

"I'm not going to go...not after what he did to me" cutter said "cutter maybe he didn't mean to attack you that night...maybe he was just hungry" burple said "we're not going to look for him" winger said "we have no choice winger...his mother wants us to look for him" Summer said "and who's his mother?" cutter asked before both her and my father came in "uh summer who are they?" aggro asked "I am Hana and this is my husband Hibiki" Hana said "its nice to meet you all" Hibiki said "um...where did you two come from?" Cutter asked "we live not that far from the must be a relentless razorwing...cutter correct?" Hana asked "yeah thats me...wait you can understand me?" Cutter asked "you two speak dragon?" Dak asked "yeah we do...along with our son" Hibiki said "that dragon can not be your son" cutter said " after what that dragon did to me" Cutter said "that dragon your talking about is my son...he can't control his dragon form and the dragon school he's been going to hasn't been working for him" Hana said " said that it was working for him" summer said "it actually wasn't everyone in the school was afraid of him so we was given no choice but to home school him and that hasn't been working as well" Hibiki said "but we really need your help finding him...last time he went loose we couldn't find but with your guy's help we can find him" Hana said "we'll give you time to think about it" Hibiki said before both him and my mother left the roost

"I say we should go look for him" Burple said "i'm with ya on that burple maybe he isnt as bad as you think he is winger" summer said "winger come on we know he didn't mean harm and you know that to" Dak said "i know Dak but what if he hurts the others" Winger said "Dak we'll make sure that he doesn't hurt you or anyone else" Leyla said "alright...lets go find him" Dak said before getting on wingers back and they all flew off to find me "guys i think i see something" cutter said before using his eyesight to see what was going on and yet he saw me attacking a herd of sheep "guys we better hurry" cutter said "aggro summer you two try to distract him while me burple and cutter will get the sheep away from here" Winger said before aggro and summer was trying to distract me away from the sheep but when they met my eyes they only saw pure hatred in my eyes "Hana how long did you say he could be in this state for?" Summer asked "He's gonna be like this for the whole night" Hana said before i swatted her out of the sky causing her to roar in pain which caused me to snap out of the state i was in and turn back into my human form crying "i never wanted to hurt anyone...but i always get the wrong end of the dad i understand if you don't want me at home anymore..." I said through tears "son...we love you and we both know how it feels...i lost control once during the great war...until i met you father who taught me how to control my dragon self and be at peace" Hana said " least we got that taken care of" cutter said.

Then next morning i wasn't home after what happened last night and yet leyla and summer came to see how i was doing "Hey imo here after what happened last night" Summer asked "sorry summer...imo left early this morning to the might be able to catch him there" Hana said

"Thank you Hana..." Summer said before both her and Leyla went to the village of huttsgalor and searched for me before they saw a hooded figure "hey you there!" Leyla said before both her and summer started chasing after me and yet after a while I was able to lose them...or so i thought 'i think i lost them' i thought to myself "you think we'd lose you that easily" summer said right in front me causing me to fall back "why are you chasing me?" I asked "we just need you for something imo...that's all" Leyla said "you can find someone else to help you with that...count me out" i said before walking away

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