Ch.18 (Pt.2) Rage/ Reunion

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*Axel's pov*

'I'm done being seen as a tool for my uncle it's time for him to feel the pain I've felt ever since I've lived with him' I thought before my friend imo turned back to normal and knocked on my uncles door "who is it...can't you see I'm quite busy here?" My uncle asked before opening the door only to see me "ah imo good to see you but have you seen my nephew/assistant  anywhere I've been looking for him everywhere?" My uncle asked "i'm no longer your assistant...I'M DONE BEING YOUR SLAVE!" I exclaimed at him in anger "EVERY. SINGLE. DAY YOU YOU ALWAYS TREAT LIKE I'M SOME SORT OF TOOL JUST TO SEE ME SUFFER! You know..I enjoyed living with you for the past few months since I've been here but now I realize that you don't need only care about wonder..." I said before I rambled on to my "uncle" all the suffering I've been through and some of those triggered my friend imo a bit and when I was finished it slammed the door in his face with all the strength I can muster "alright imo...I'm done with my rambling...imo?" I asked before he came down "where did you go?" I asked him "some of the things you said kinda triggered me so I had to release some anger a bit" My friend said "oh...shall we go back to the roost?" I asked "gladly" I said before axel got on my back and we went back to the roost

*My pov*

"Hey you have any brothers or sisters of any kind?" Axel asked but there was no response from me but only a dragon roar but when the others heard it they thought I was in pain when truthfully I was in pain but it wasn't physical but it was rather emotional "Imo you ok are you hurt?" Aggro asked "I'm fine no cuts or scrapes of any kind...I'm pain" I said solemnly "what?" Cutter asked "when we gave birth to imo...he was supposed to have a twin sister but she died shortly after I gave birth to her...and we'll we raised him when he was young he asked me when is sissy coming back...and when I told him the news...he was utterly devastated and but when he cried you could see that there was a bit of survivors guilt emanating off of him...sometimes he wishes he was the one who died for his sister to live...but it's what she would've wanted from the very beginning" Hibiki said "i'm sorry I asked the question imo...I didn't know" Axel said "it's ok axel..." I said before heading into the sleeping caves but just as I was about to fall asleep I heard what sounded like a voice but it sounded feminine (AN: I am NOT I repeat am NOT a feminist) "brother?" The voice asked "who's there?" I asked "don't you remember me Imo?'s me" the voice asked before the others came inside " don't you guys hear something?" I asked paranoid "we just got in here imo...I don't hear a thing" Hana asked "hello mother...long time no see" the voice said before my mother turned around only to see a dragon me and the others have never seen before "what kind of dragon is that?" Dak asked before Leyla grabbed out her dragon diary and flipped through the pages "no way" Leyla said "what is it leyla?" Axel asked "that's a Ghost dragon...Incredibly rare and very elusive and legend has it that if you was to see one you'd either be given good luck for the rest of your life or you might get a valuable treasure but you have to be worthy and pure of heart" Leyla said "i'm not like those other dragons Leyla" The ghost dragon said "h-how do you know my name?" Leyla asked before the ghost dragon turned into it's human form but it was a face me, my mom and dad recognized all too well "S-sis?" I asked as tears welled up in not only my mother's eyes but mine as well "hey big bro...long time no see" My sister said before I turned into my human form and rushed at her as did my mom and dad and we just gave her a loving embrace "we thought you died...I thought you died" I said as tears we going down my face "I did die but it was only for several minutes and when I awoke from my slumber I was in a place I never seen before...there was just trees all around me there was grass everywhere, bushes with delicious berry's and everything else in between but that's when I came to realize that I wasn't with my I scoured the world searching for you guys and learned how to speak dragon but then there was one night when I saw what appeared to be a shadow...but when I got a closers look at it is noticed that it was a dragon that looked to be in pain though I could see right through it and once I saved it it manifested inside me and with this newfound ability it decided to hone it until I can gain control of...and after three months well...I did and after that I continued to search for you guys came across a village asked the townsfolk and they told me to come here and here I am now" My sister said " that's an interesting story" Cutter said sarcastically "show some respect cutter that his sister your talking to" Aggro said "and if I'm not mistaken you and my brother are a couple from what i heard and imo...congrats on mastering your shadow form" My sister said "thanks did you know me and cutter was dating?" I asked "spectral sight it allows me to see what's going on from another person's perspective" My sister said causing both me and cutter to blush like crazy "not another word" both me and cutter said then we all fell asleep and for once it felt like I had finally found my home.

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