Ch. 26 Dragon Fall

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*Later that night in the dream realm*

'I could have sworn I heard somebody roaring...I wonder who it was?' Cutter thought to himself before heading into the direction the roaring was in only to see me "'s you" Cutter said " have to get me out of here...please" I said "that's something only the fake you would say" cutter said " don't understand that other me you guys freed that wasn't was shadow...i kept him in the dream realm for a reason...and now that he's out who knows what could happen...I don't want to lose you cutter and I don't want to lose the my sister still asleep in the roost?" I asked "yeah she's still asleep at the roost...why?" Cutter asked "she knows a whole lot about shadow I need her help to find a way out of this prison...I need you to go there and talk to her" I said before cutter woke up only to see me "what the?" Cutter asked himself "hey cutter...Can I talk to you in private for a second?" Shadow asked "sure..." Cutter said Before following shadow to a clearing that was far from the site where everyone else was "Uh...why are we this far from camp?" Cutter asked "it's because something bad happened with my sister before I left...I went to go get some fish for the trip and when I came sister...s-she was killed" Shadow said fake tears going down his face "i'm sorry that happened to you imo...I'll go pay my respects to her" cutter said 'whoever killed Imo's Sister will pay for what they did' cutter thought to himself before flying off only for shadow to follow close behind and without cutter knowing shadow ripped off cutter's wings causing him to plummet into the ocean 'two down...eight to go I wonder who should go next maybe winger, about burple he doesn't seem to be used as often by these pathetic kids...I'll make his death quick and painless' Shadow thought to himself only to see burple fly past him but he was sleep flying "well that makes my job somewhat easier" Shadow said before firing a frost blast at burple that froze him in place and he too plummeted into the ocean but shadow knew that the water would thaw him out so he froze a piece of the ocean large enough to where burple would shatter on impact and we'll after a few agonizing minutes burple met his untimely demise "i'm on a roll...but i should get rid of that fire dragon because she can prove to be a threat even if she's small...I'll do it tomorrow" Shadow said before heading to the camp where the others were at

*Next Morning*

"Morning aggro" Hana said "morning Hana...Morning imo" Aggro said "morning aggro" I said while I was sleep "normally imo isn't that tired during the day...I wonder why he's tired now?" Hibiki asked before going over to the pile of fish "that's odd...I was expecting the fish to be all gone because burple and cutter tend to have a midnight snack" Leyla said "speaking of cutter and burple...where are they anyway?" Axel asked before summer came back but there was something different about her like she had just seen something that she can't unsee "Summer are you ok...what's wrong?" Leyla asked "I was doing my morning swim when I saw cutter's body in the ocean" Summer said "w-what?" Dak asked "how did he end up in the ocean...he's a relentless you know who attacked him?" Dak asked "no I don't but then I saw Imo's Sister body in the water as well..." Summer said causing shadow to jolt awake "My sister and my boyfriend...are dead?" Shadow asked faking his sincerity which surprisingly convinced the others "i'm sorry imo..." Summer said "no it's ok...i know that they'll always be with me..." Shadow said before noticing some red stuff on my claws "hey imo...what's that red stuff on your claws?" Summer asked "oh this...this is just red paint I was painting late last night" Shadow said "ok then...but we do know something...someone here is killing us one by one" Leyla said "we'll figure out whoever it is later but now we have to split up into groups two to look for clues on who the killer is" Dak said "good and Dak will go north, summer and Winger will go east, Hana and Hibiki will go Southwest (A/N NOT THE AIRLINES YOU IMBECILES) Eliza and axel will go south and aggro and imo Wil go west" Leyla said "alright then" Aggro said before everyone else split up 'they just made this to easy for me...I can pick them off one by one without them knowing that it was me who killed both burple and cutter' "so imo...who do you think killed cutter and Fang?" Aggro asked but there was no response from me "imo?" Aggro asked before in one swift movement I slashed at her "hah you missed!" Aggro said "did i?" Shadow said before a tree behind her fell to the right and aggro started feeling a pain in her neck before her head went rolling on the ground 'at this rate I might just kill the rest of them...nah I'll leave them the fear of being hunted' Shadow said before chucking the head in the direction of Dak and Leyla

*With Dak and Leyla*

"Dak who do you think the killer could be?" Leyla asked "i'm not gonna lie...I think it's imo...secretly I thought that he was just waiting for at moment when we are at our most vulnerable and picking us off one by one" Dak said before he felt something at his feet "huh...what's th-" Dak said before both him and Leyla screamed in terror loud enough for the others to hear along with me "Dak Leyla what happened?" Winger asked before looking at Aggro's head on the ground, lifeless "someone killed aggro and chucked her head in this direction" Dak said "imo...did anything happen while you was looking for clues on who this killer is?" Summer asked but there was no response from shadow before Shadow told the truth "it was imo...he was the killer among you tried to stop him but he was just to strong he killed his boyfriend out of pure hate and burple out of disgust and he also killed his sister and aggro because he thought that they could stop him from completing his plan" Shadow said before he went back to the dream realm and I was able to regain control but when I looked at everyone there was just looks of pure fear and hatred in there eye's "guy's...what going on...why are you giving me that look?" I asked confused before Winger shot a power blast at me "OW!...WINGER THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I exclaimed at Winger in anger " lied to us..." Summer said "lied to you about what?" I asked "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME!" Winger said at me in anger "you killed three of our friends and your own sister...what kind of person would do such a thing...she was your family and you just killed her because you thought that she was going to interfere with your plan" Dak said "m-my sister?...what happened to her?" I asked "don't play the innocent card on me killed your sister you killed your boyfriend out of pure hate, burple out of disgust and you killed aggro for no apparent reason" Hana said "mom i-" "Don't you mom me...I don't even want to see your face anymore...I wish you wasn't my son" Hana said that last sentence replaying in my head "leave imo...leave this place and never come back!" Leyla shouted at me "guys please...just give me another-" "we've given you second chance imo...leave" Dak said "but guys p-" "I SAID LEAVE!" Dak said

*Imo's pov*

Not wanting to get another blast from Winger I went ahead and left but not before i went back to my previous home ' looks like I'm on my own...again' I thought to my self before going in the village of huttsgalor only to see the towns people run away at the sight of me "it's him the shadow menace!" Hanahar said "leave this place foul beast!" Duggard said before the town grabbed pitchforks and torches before I flew off "if that dragon ever comes back the rescue riders will be there to help us" Duggard said 'what did I do to deserve this...I just wanted some friends...someone who loves me as much as I love them...if huttsgalor and the rescue riders see me as an enemy...then they made an terrible out rescue riders...YOU'RE NEXT!'

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