Chapter 15 ~ True Love Always Wins

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(Annie's POV)

I wake up with the perfect rays of sunshine on my face, but also  hear someone beatboxing in the corner and  I notice, it's Michael. "Good Morning." he says noticing me. "Morning.." I say scratching the back of my head. "I hope I didn't disturb your sleep." he says while smiling. "No you didn't.. you did it really. good. How do you do that?" I say with a smile. "Ah.. I don't know.. its my habit, hehe.." he answers. "Well, cute habit, I must say." I reply. He blushes. Then suddenly, I notice Chris talking to the doctor. I hope everything's okay. Then he walks towards us. "Is everything okay?" I ask him. "Katy.. Katy.." he mumbles while tears filling his eyes. "Katy what, Chris?" Michael asks rubbing his back. My heart is pounding like crazy. "What is it, Chris?" I ask nervously.

(Michael's POV)

I'm just praying and hoping Katy is okay. "She.. she survived it.." Chris answers while a smile spreads across his face. "Really?" Annie asks with tears of joy in her eyes. Chris nods and we both give him a tight hug. "Oh my god, I've been waiting for this news!" I say excitedly. We all are interrupted by the doctor as he suddenly walks to us. "You can see her, now." he says. "Thanks, man." Chris replies. Suddenly, the doctor stops us. "Only one can go." he commands. Me and Annie, we both look at Chris and nod while smiling. He excitedly walks in. Thank God, Katy is better again. We both look at each other after Chris leaves. We hug each other and jump like kids. "Oh Michael, I'm so happy!" Annie declares. "Me too, Annie. Me too." I say with a chuckle. We stop jumping after some time and look at each other. "You were right.. true love always wins.." she says. "I knew it.." I reply proudly.

(Katy's POV)

I open my eyes, feeling the worst headache ever. I wonder what happened. What am I doing in a hospital? I take a look at my wrist, which is hurting like hell. Then, I remember. Yes, I slit my wrist. Just then, I feel the door opening . I rub my eyes for a few time, to see who exactly is it. I see.. Chris. "Hey.." he says placing  his hand on mine. I quicky snatch it away. "Look Katy, I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to-" I quickly cut him off. "Stop it, Chris. Please, stop it. I'm done with your lies." I shot back. "I accept the fact that, it was my damn fault. But, I didn't cheat on you, I swear." he says while looking down. For some time, I look into his eyes,to see what exactly his feelings are. All I see is, eyes that are bloodshot red. Seems like, he has cried for a long time and not even slept. Is this love? Is it? Should I forgive him? Oh lord, this is tough. "I love you, Kate. I love you.." he mumbles closing his eyes. Kate. This was the name, he used to call me when he really meant something what he said. Oh God. "You do?" I say weakly. "Yes.. yes I do and forever will do." he says holding both of my hands and kissing them. "And you?" he says. without thinking for a second, I crash my lips to his. Yes. Yes, good lord, I love him. I love him more than anyone and anything. After some time, I quickly pull away and breath heavily. "Lemme.. lemme bring you water." He says noticing my heavy breathing. "Here ya go.." he says giving a glass filled with water. "Thanks.." I say sitting up. Then, I look out of the room window and see Michael and Annie. Oh Gosh! I totally forgot them! "How's Michael and Annie?" I ask Chris. "They were never any better." he replies. "What do you mean?" I ask giving him a confused look. "They're growing close, every single day." he answers. "They are?" I ask with amazement. "Uh huh.." he smirks. "That's great! Looks like they're feeling a little something for each other..aww.." I say looking out of the window. Right now, Michael and Annie are holding each others hand and talking. I hope the best for their soon to be couple.

Hi Guys! I really am in love with all of your excellent comments and messages! I love reading how much you love the story, and I thank you for that! Stay Tuned!

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