Chapter 14

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I feel proud of myself I thought as I walked down the small set of stairs to meet Miss McGonagall,

"Excellent, Vera" McGonagall exclaimed, "You have a voice like an angel."

"Thank you, Miss." I smiled.

"Now, go have some fun!" She said, ushering me to Hermione.

"Oh my god, you were amazing!" Hermione said as we walked down to the boys.

"You too! You and Krum are amazing at dancing" I beamed.

"You will be too," Hermione said as a smirk played on her face.

"Why" I chuckled nervously. Her eyes darted to Harry looking depressed as ever beside Ron.

"Go on, dance with him," Hermione suggest.

"I-I don't know-"

"I won't take no for an answer." Hermione jumped in.

"Fine." I sighed as I walked up to Harry and Ron as Hermione walked back to Krum.

"Evening Ron, Harry," I said looking at his dress robes" How was the dance for you?"

"Don't even start with that" Ron rolled his eyes. I sit beside Harry who looked even more depressed than Ron.

"Hey, instead of groaning all night," I say to Harry "How about you dance with me?" I put my hand out waiting for him to take it, he didn't.

"Please," I asked softly, "It'll make my night even better."

"Fine," Harry breathed "I'm not good at dancing."

"I attend and hosted my balls in my time," I say as we walked up"So you have nothing to worry about."

The slow music began and Harry and I start dancing, Harry was still nervous and I don't blame him. I guided him around and he soon began to relax.

"See, you are good at dancing," I say"Not as good as me though"

"Oh yeah?" Harry questioned, He picked me up elegantly by the waist and nailed the jump just like the other couples around us.

"Okay, okay. You're better than me" I giggled. Then danced for a little while until Harry broke the silence.

"Your singing was amazing Vera," Harry said looking down at me, "I didn't know you could sing like that."

"Me neither," I say as Harry spun me around.

"Your singing, personality, dress and everything about you is amazing Vera" Harry confessed, making me blush a little.

"I-I've got something to tell you, Vera." Harry said looking into my eyes about leaning in, I do the same.

"I lo-"

"How dare you!" Hermione shouts gaining the attention of Harry's and I's attention. She and Ron were walking up the entrance. I, without thinking, I ran over to Hermione leaving Harry on the dance floor.

"Doubt it. He's way too old." Ron stated as I walked between them to break them up.

"What is going on with you two?" I asked.

"Ron just ruins everything for me!" Hermione said."He says I can't go with him"

" 'Course" Ron scoffed rather nastily, "By the time you become an adult, he'll look like your grandad."

"Ron!" I yell in disbelief.

"What! That's what you think?" Hermione questioned.

"Yeah, that is what I think." Ron snap.

"You know the solution then don't you" Hermione shot back, sarcastically.

"Go on," Ron said, making Hermione even more upset and angry, I notice and started rubbing Hermione's shoulder.

"Next time, there's a ball!" Hermione started"Pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does, and not as a last resort."

What she said baffled me, Hermione and Ron? Ron and Hermione? I never thought of them being a couple, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense to me.

"At least you're not the only girl who  had a bad night" Ron confesses, giving me a dirty look. Then he looked to his right,

"Harry." Harry walks up the stairs, completely ignoring me and walked with Ron up the stairs.

"Ron you spoil everything!" Hermione cried as I walked her to the stairs, sat her down and let her cry in my shoulder.

"Ignore him, Hermione," I say "He's just jealous."

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