Chapter 12

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We were doing a test today in the Great Hall, Snape was supervising yeah... Anyways, I was concentrating really hard on this test but Ron kept on talking.

"This is mad, it's always raining." Ron states, but soon had his head pushed down by Snape. I giggle quietly but Ron wasn't impressed.

"As for Neville," Ron said to Harry"He's barking mad like."

"Leave the boy alone you two," I say "At least his dance moves are better than your dress robes." Harry laughed

"It may be a shocker but, Neville already has a date to the Ball" Hermione informs us receiving a groan from Ron.

"Phoenix, do you have a date?" Ron asked, making Harry look at me

"I was asked by Draco, I said no obviously and Victor, but I said no. So no." I answered blankly, I wasn't looking for a date either, Miss McGonagall said that I was singing.

"Aren't you singing at the Ball?" Hermione asked I nod in response.

"Now I'm really depressed," Ron stated, as we all started writing again. Suddenly Ron gets hit by a paper ball by one of the twins, then George throws another one at a girl asking her to go to the ball with him. She agrees making Ron even sadder.

"Well, Hermione" Ron said, "You're a girl."

"Well spotted." Hermione shot back, making me giggle a bit but soon stopping when I saw Snape coming up, who hit both Harry and Ron on the head, then walked away

"It'll be alright for a bloke to show up alone,"  Ron declares "But for a girl, it's just sad." looking at Hermione.

"Sexist much," I say at Ron, who ignored me.

"I won't be going alone," Hermione says angrily"Because believe it or not someone has already asked me." She gets up and hands her test to Snape and walks back to us.

"And I said yes" Hermione said then quickly leaving the Hall. I knew Hermione needed a friend right now so I finish my test and had it up to Snape then walked down to the boys.

"That's rude Ron, and this is coming from me," I said then catching up with Hermione.


"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Ronld" Hermione yelled in our dorm room. Ariana was there too she was reading a book about potions.

"Mione, it's Ron," I say, trying to reassure her, "He thinks before he says at times."

"Yeah I know bu-" Hermione was interrupted by Ariana giggling.

"What you smiling for?" I asked

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it" Ariana smiled "Just something that happened today."

"Okay," I say shifting the attention back to Hermione. "So who are you going to the Yule Ball with?"

"Viktor Krum" Hermione said excitedly.

"Hermione Krum! I can see it now!" I say looking at the ceiling

"Keep dreaming, Vera Potter," Ariana said smugly.

"Hey!" I yell.

"You can't deny it," Hermione says while giggling "I saw you two almost kiss in the hall."

"I uh-"

"WHAT!" Ariana screamed, making me blush even more.

"He had his arms around her waist" Hermione confesses at Ariana then looking at me smirking, which made Ariana's mouth go even bigger in shock.

"Now I can see it now! Vera Phoenix-Potter" Ariana said stand on my bed "That'll be some good-looking babies"

Hermione laughs at Ariana and while I hide my faces in pure embarrassment.

"Oh my Merlin I can't"  I mumble into my face, But hey! Hermione's feelings much better now that's all that matters I thought.


Harry, Hermione and I sat in the Common Room, Hermione was reading, Harry and watching the fire while holding the golden egg and I was reading a book about Mermaids. This one was about Mermaid and Merman: Wizard, Witches, and Muggle attractions.

Suddenly Ginny and a few other people came in through the door with Ron looking as pale as my hair into the room and sat him on a chair.

"What happened to him" Hermione asked, rather worried.

"He just asked Fleur from that French school out," Ginny informed us. Hermione and I kneel in front of Ron while Harry stood behind me

"What did she say?" Harry asked.

"Did she say No?" Hermione asked Ron shook his head making us three to believe one thing.

"She said, Yes?" I gasp alongside Hermione.

"Don't be silly" Ron said, making me feel sorry for him,"There she was walking by, you know I like it when they walk. Couldn't help it, it sorta slip out."

"Actually, you kinda screamed at her," Ginny said,

"What happened next,"

"What happened? I ran for it" Ron confessed looking at me dead in the eyes. "I'm not cut out for this Harry."

"Hi Harry," The twin girls say as they walked past grabbing Harry's attention.

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