Chapter 17: a home in Friendship

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A light shines, I hear steps, but no normal steps; I could recognize these shoes everywhere, they belong to Jeanine Matthews. A blue stripe of light comes across my sight. It's navy blue, but my sight is still blurry and I can't see clear objects, as if a pice of cloth lied on my face.

Suddenly, she starts to speak: „You failed the test. You're not as intelligent as I thought you'd be."

What does she say this ? This is not true, I passed the tests and I Am NOT dumb, right ?


This can't be real, I know that I passed the test with a good score and why would Jeanine Matthews ever care about an initiant ? But if this wasn't real, what else could it be ? A Simulation ? A Drug ? No, I know what this is. This is a dream, a lucid dream and I finally noticed I'm sleeping. Technically I now should be able to change everything here like I want to. But how ?

I finally start to see clearly now and realise we're standing in the lobby of Erudite, but no one's here.
Jeanine is standing a few steps away from me, her iconic cold expression focused on my irritated face.
Let's try to teleport. What about Dauntless ? I finally could visit my old home. Even if I'm missing no one and no one is missing me probably, I kind of missed this place. Erudite Headquarters start to spin slightly and slowly, they become the concrete walls of  the Chasm. No one is here either, except for me. I look down the black void of the chasm, remembering how my friends used to tell horror-stories about the ghosts of those who had suicided here. I never believed them tho. This isn't real so I shouldn't get hurt in any way if I jump. But there's a way making it funnier. Wings. I think about how cool it would be to be able to fly around Chicago and never walk for more then half an hour and the next second, I feel myself pulled backwards to fall, due to a big weight pulling on my back. I suddenly have wings and I jump to test them, but they shoot me way to high in the sky. I can see whole Chicago from here, even Erudite Headquarters and Amity. I surprisingly have no wounds for flying right through the roof of a building.

Flying over the city is the most amazing thing of the world. And I choose to fly to Erudite as a spark of light suddenly brings me back to reality.

Woken by Maya and Chloe I jump up, surprised by the lights, shining in my sleepy eyes.
"Are you okay? You've slept way to long for your standards."
"Yeah uhm, I'm okay but what time is it ?"
"It's 6am. Did it work?"
"What do you mean ?"
"The lucid dreams we tried for last night."
"Oh yes, it was strange but it worked. What about you ?"
„ I got one.", Chloe comes to word.
" Come on, you have to hurry, jobs are assigned today."

As I usually am a morning person, it is strange for me to feel the longing for the warm, cozy bed. This morning in general is different than the others, I just don't know why.
Breakfast might have been like every morning, but this strange feeling in my gut comes up again as Hannah and Edward speak to us one last time:"Good morning initiants. Today you are assigned a job in order to use your skills in the most productive way. We calculated your qualities, using your test scores. Please meet at the floor you will be assigned, directly after you've been assigned your apartments."
Hannah continued with reading the names of our fellow initiants. Maya ended up in History research, Ruben as Astrologist and Chloe and I both got Bio-Chemical Research. We won't all work in one place, but a faction is supposed to be your family,and I found one in my friends, even if I never expected it, I've found a home in Erudite.

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