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Loud chatter of other people, alongside the sounds of Alaïa's suitcase wheels rolling against the tiled flooring was easily heard amongst the busy airport when the young brunette wandered aimlessly towards the exit with her mother. Fast food smells drifted under the pair's nostrils as they continued walking, causing for Alaïa's stomach to grumble as a call out for food.

It had been a long and tiring week for the brunette and her mother. As it was filled with many hours of packing up every single one of their belongings into boxes, and lack of sleep from having to wake up early so they didnt miss their flight. Alaïa Pine was just about jetlagged and wanted to go straight to her new home and jump into bed. She was pretty much exausted.

The mother, daughter duo soon reached the exit doors of the loud and busy airport building. But, paused in shock and surprise at who they spotted sitting on a bench right outside. It was her internet best friend, Marina Jones sat alongside her older sister Azura. The girl was currently seated, one leg over the other and on her phone. Long locks of brown hair flowing down her back as she sat there.

"Oh my god." Alaïa managed to mutter out, once she had gotten out of her state of shock she was previously in. Dropping her bags, she burst into a run towards Marina in utter happiness from being able to see her best friend in person for the first time ever. Marina looked up just in time, to spot the girl speedily running towards her. Her own face lighting up with a similar look of happiness. It was like time had suddenly stopped for both the girls. Like everybody else did not exist and it was just the both of them then.

The running soon came to a halt as the two females eagerly engulfed eachother into a huge hug. The excitement and happiness of both Marina and Alaïa could easily be determined from the way they had hugged each other. Their hug lasted for a full three or four minutes before the girls broke apart, the largest smiles planted right across both their faces.

"I still can't believe we're meeting, it all feels like a dream come true." Marina truthfully spoke aloud to the girl in front of herself, who just nodded her head in reply. The two girls then packing up Alaïa and her mum's belongings into Azura's plain white car, starting the engine and driving off to their new home in Florida. The same smiles were still very evident upon Marina and Alaïa's faces as the car moved along the road and past multiple buildings.


heres the next chapter.
hope you all liked it :)
also im sorry its short.
btw this was written yesterday (30/10/19) but
i didnt want to post it then, as i wanted to check it over
first. Cause i wrote it late at night.



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