The Skies Turn Red At Dusk, But Our Hearts Soar for Dawn

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"What a lovely day." Jungkook grumbles. Taehyung scoffs at his rueful expression, relishing the fresh scent of pinewood around him. For once, he had found gratitude in seeing nothing but crystal water, entranced for the little bit of respite it symbolised.

"Stop whining you baby." Taehyung teases. He wiggles his toes in satisfaction, genuinely pleased by the dirt that spilled and trickled down his crusting leather pants to his bare ankles. "I don't know where to proceed from here, so best keep you near me than to have Jimin rub my bum for another sour loss."

Jungkook huffs at the thought, not too keenly certain who to fault for the situation at hand. His right five fingers insist it's all Taehyung's responsibility, the rest of his left fingers count all the reasons that hold Seokjin accountable for the hurdle. His mind is plagued with resentment, guiding both arms to a taut fold that could wage war against Lilliana's neatly stacked linen garments. Taehyung indulges in his fuming, even grinning at his strained face as he pulls at Jungkook's skirt, wiping both wet feet with the expensive clothing. That would surely leave Seokjin looking aghast.

"You fiend!" Jungkook screeches, jerking his skirt away from the older, brows furrowed at the sound of Taehyung's unsavoury laughter. A moment after he settles down (but not without an undisguised look and a jarring punch sent the other's shoulder), the younger speaks again.

"You know," he begins with a little stumble in his breathing. Taehyung recovers quickly from the slip Jungkook gives him, teetering just the same way. "This wouldn't have happened if you asked Seokjin for the specifics."

The older prince begrudgingly swipes off a dribble of sweat from his forehead, cleansing his face of its salty taste as he begins, in a drawn snit, "His instructions weren't even clear to begin with, how do you expect me to figure out the rest of what it entails? Besides, I would have thought I won the moment I found you lurking so prettily by the lake, singing about that love song of yours."

The younger male picks up on Taehyung's words, bristling at the shade thrown his way. "Not funny," he warns the older, pinching his throat with a glare. "You should have stayed at the lake and waited for Jin-hyung's instructions then, not carry me around the minute you saw two other buffoons coming our way."

"And let them take you away from me? Not a chance!" Taehyung positions himself near the prince, proving his constructive plans were far from his lighthearted disposition. He has a hand clasped around the man's waist, drumming his fingers to the rhythm of the river's flow. "You should be thanking me, I saved your ass from potential marriage failures."

"The audacity, I say!" Jungkook opposes, bellowing a phantom laugh when his brother shushes him with a mean slap on the small of his back. He continues with a lower, more threatening degradation. "Why should I be thanking you for dragging me across the sky?"

A pair of squinting eyes meets his gaze, tongue rolled and tone just as puerile as his attempt at reasoning. "It's not like you don't do it yourself when you make your little runways... all sad when the hyungs don't give you enough attention."

The statement delivers a double smack to Taehyung's chin, but Jungkook is considerably feeling saintly on his actions and so he decides with a triple hit. Taehyung groans pitifully but Jungkook pays him no mind (for as much as his fortitude allows).

"Trust me," The older brushes off the dried twigs from his hair. "You'll be thankful I won this for you, so much so the you'll be kneeling on one knee -or both, I don't mind."

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