Let's Build A Home And Call It Love

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It's the day before the battle. The kingdom is expectedly baffled.

Disclosure of information has never been more in demand, inciting a string of mixed responses that are evidently more displeased than the last. Everyone is in disarray, so much so that the royalty cannot fully take account for the violent protests. And the damage control has not been a smooth-flowing endeavour either, seeing as the youngest prince was simply pushed over to address the issue in his own unplanned terms (not having been given any prior warning). 

Needless to say, Jungkook had been skittish throughout whole impromptu speech, stealing glances from his brothers' supportive smiles.

Everyone just simply wants it to be over – and a duel only fuels their demand for competence. Politics, as Jungkook sees it, is a very complicated game of trial and error. Appease the census, but lose a few connections for the sake of a calm public. Jungkook supposes there is no easy duty for any leader –not when the people's lives are at stake.

Fortunately, the announcement of the duel has been taken control of. The condition has certainly attracted a number of varying spectators, some noblemen huffing with judgement while most common folks anticipate with worry.

"It's not the best situation, but we take what we can get." Yoongi tells him, patting at his nervous shoulders in a soothing manner. "The duel will push through whether or not the people are ready for it. We already consented to the proposition, no withdrawals will be taken lightly by the judging authorities."

"It's my fault," Jimin says, face painted in a downturned expression that Jungkook is too familiar with. Probably from their distant interactions. "I take responsibility for this –"

Namjoon intervenes quickly, shaking his head to disagree. "The meddlers would've come up with the same anyway, if not worst than what you offered." He pauses briefly, steely eyes softening as he tries to console the younger, "They won't be satisfied until they throw one of us out of the throne and replace it with an outsider."

"Your brother is right," This time it's the King who speaks. His whole body is seated upright, a mighty shoulder to carry the heavy coat of fur draped delicately around it. The King is seen with no crown bedazzling his short, neatly combed hair. There's not a peek of twinkling gold around his fingers either, boasting callouses and deeply etched wounds. "I would have intervened if you were in the wrong. But the tactic is quite soundproof, if we entertain a duel between two princes from our own house, then there's no harm if one of you loses. If I must remind you, they were after all only doubtful of Taehyung's credibility –"

"Which should not have been questioned in the first place." Yoongi assures the prince beside him, casting a good look at the alpha's taut posture against the windowsills.

"Of course," Master Bang initiates, giving out the same comforting glance towards the man, "It would not make sense to invite the same contestants seeing as he won against them fairly. And your admirable record is enough to prove you worthy of a duel against him, Jimin."

There's so much to think about, to remark about. But for now, the King's curt but kind words are more than enough for the alpha prince. And although there are bigger heartaches to mope about, Jimin finds that he is still fortunate for such a family.

"We'll let the battle do all the talking," Master Bang groans as he prepares to leave. A weary noise escapes his lips as he stands to meet the brothers' knitted foreheads, "For now, I need you all to rest for tomorrow's event."

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