Wondering Is A Child's Priority

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"You smell like vanilla."

"I do?"


Hoseok looks down at the boy. He feels him nuzzling closer to his side.

"I like it." Jungkook continues, uncaring of his brothers' cries of jealousy.

It's past bedtime when the boys are nestled together, surrounded by a pile of cotton-filled pillows. A duvet lays atop every fidgety toes and fussing foreheads, from brown locks to golden ones -each figure clings on the other, ridding their skin of the midnight's cold. 

Despite the acceptable sleeping arrangements (to which Jungkook is thankful enough to be included in), certain arguments were still raised at the mention of the youngest's position. With Jimin at the centre of Yoongi's grumbling and Seokjin's ever adamant inclination to prey on snacks, and Namjoon's slackened body serving as a division between Taehyung and Jungkook (Hoseok being on the far left, back pressed to the crystal wall) - it's to everyone's expectations that both the loudest and most annoying of the group would raise an uproar.

"Geez, you brats don't know when to tone it down do you?" Seokjin laments tearfully.

"Kookie needs more warmth!" Jimin retorts with a wiggling nose, all scrunched up in displeasure. "He has to be in the centre!"

"Specifically at which centre?" A grunting boy pushes Jimin off his chest. Yoongi shuffles closer to his pillow and elbows his companion to settle down. His indifference to the commotion made for one surprising plop as Jimin covers his sight with dark fringes, towering over the older in haste.

"Hyung! Don't you care for Jungkook at all?"

"I care a fair amount," Yoongi frowns at the assault, struggling to wrestle the boy off of his body. When Jimin counters his motions, they find themselves rolling in the sheets and knocking over Seokjin's plate of cookies. Much to the eldest's displeasure (and despite his barely contained rage), his warnings are left unheard. To strike back such disrespect and avenge the pitiful state of his cookies -now turned crumbs- he lunges forward over the scuffle.

"Ah! Hyung, you're heavy!" Jimin and Yoongi chorused, voices baffled by the weight of their 13 year old brother fuming above them. Squished tight against the inflated duvet, the two boys tussled around in discontent.

The ruckus is loud enough to warrant phrases of protests from Namjoon, the boy not as entertained as Taehyung was.

"Jin-hyung! I have come to your aid."

"Ya! You just want to make fun of Jimin!"

Namjoon groans at the addition of Taehyung, burying his head in an effort to mute the cacophonous bunch. "You guys are noisy!"

From afar, the only unbothered pair watch in disinterest. They see the boys distract themselves without thought.

"Well Kookie, at least you won't have to suffer through Tae's suffocating snuggles for tonight."

Jungkook only giggles, clearly relieved.


The boys tire themselves out, quick enough that Namjoon's prayers of thanks have never been more heartfelt. 

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