-Attract Witchy Friends Jar Spell-

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This is a witch bottle spell to encourage witchy friends into your life for those struggling to find any. This can also work for attracting non-witchy friends, just adapt the spell accordingly.

You will need:
Substitutes for items are denoted with an asterisk (*)

> a glass/ceramic jar/bottle/vase, ideally with a wide opening
> sugar water *any liquid that tastes good like syrup, or fruit juice
> piece of paper small enough to fit in the jar
> coloured thread/string, ideally in a colour associated with friendship (pink, yellow, orange)
> pen/pencil, ideally in a colour associated with friendship
> candle, ideally in a colour associated with friendship *string, tape, or rubber bands
> strawberry incense *any scent that pleases you or you associate with friends

The following items are not essential, just use things associated with friendship. You want to fill the jar with things you associate with making friends, and attracting witches.
> sweet pea petals
> thyme
> apple
> strawberry
> unakite
> lapis lazuli
> rose quartz

Step 1: Gather all the items for the spell and lay them out in the middle of the altar. Cast the magic circle and call the quarters. Light your incense.

Step 2: Invite the appropriate deities to join you, if you wish, e.g. Philotes, Aphrodite, Hathor. Say something like "[deity] please join me as I cast this spell to bring witchy friends and like-minded people into my life."

Step 3: Take the piece of parchment and start writing words of intention on it, describe the sort of friends you want to attract, like "friendly", "tolerant", "open-minded", "funny", "fun", "compassionate", "generous", "witchy", "magickal". You can also draw sigils, or depictions of you and your (future) friends together. When you're done, roll the paper up and tie the string/thread around it to keep it together. Bathe the paper in the incense smoke, or charge it in your hands, filling it with intent. Put it in the jar.

Step 4: Take each item you intend to put in the jar one by one and cleanse/charge it in the incense smoke, or charge the item in your hands with intent. Visualise yourself hanging out with your ideal friends.

Step 5: Lastly, pour in the sugar water and secure the lid of the jar on top. Cleanse and charge the whole jar in the incense smoke/in your hands.

Step 6: Place the candle on the lid. Light it, and let the wax drip down over the jar. Alternatively, hold the candle and drip the wax around the rim of the jar to seal it. (If you don't have a candle, bind the rim with string, tape, or rubber bands).

Step 7: As you watch the candle burn, visualise your goal and say:

"Sweet pea, apple, and thyme,
the goal I seek will soon be mine.
My friends shall have magick and laughs combined.

As it is with the rule of three,
Witchy friends come to me,
An' it harm none, so mote it be."

Step 8: Let the candle burn down, then snuff it out. Dismiss your deity and the quarters, thanking them for joining you e.g. "Thank you, [deity] for joining me and helping me to attract witchy friends. Stay if you will, go if you must, farewell and blessed be". Dismantle the magic circle.

Step 9: Bury the jar on your property, or keep the jar somewhere safe in your home (if you plan on dismantling it). If you keep it in your house, you may also want to wrap it in cloth or tissue in case the sugar water leaks out. After the jar has done its work, either dismantle the jar or bury it (do not burn it).

The finished product should look something like this:

The finished product should look something like this:

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I tried this spell twice with varying degrees of success. On the first attempt, a friend's housemate who I hung out with a few times previously noticed my pentacle necklace and asked me about it, then I told her it was a Wiccan symbol. The next time I met her she showed me her tarot deck and told me she was a Norse pagan.

I also met some witches on a night out who again, noticed my pentacle necklace and we added each other on facebook. We fell out of contact though.

Feeling like the spell had "worn off", I dismantled the jar, got fresh ingredients, and cast the spell again. This reignited contact with one of the witches I met recently, and we're still in contact.

In conclusion, I feel that this spell easily wears off, and needs to be recast in order to maintain friendships or continuously attract witches towards you. You can tell the spell has worn off when all/most of the sugar water has leaked out or evaporated.

I recommend also enchanting a talisman in conjunction with this spell, and then wear it or carry it with you, since my pentacle necklace seemed to be a large driving force.

The Book of Shadows of a Broom Closet Dweller *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now