set yo flesh on fire!

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it's called life...
(life: existence of a human being)

sa'donny myshaun
2 weeks later...

"nigga stop playin damn." donny said to mill and dc. "so you deadass finna propose?" dc asked and donny nodded. "nigga that's what i'm talking bout." dc said loudly making everybody look at them.

"bruh." donny laughed. "so which one should i do?" donny asked as he looked at all the rings.

tomorrow they were going out for donny's birthday and he wanted to propose.

"bruh i'm so happy and i'm not even the one proposing. y'all been strong and you've been a loyal ass nigga. never thought i'll see the day." dc said and donny flicked him off laughing.

donny looked back at the rings but one caught his eye. "aye look at this one bruh." donny said to mill and dc as they looked. "awe shit that's the one." dc said loudly again. "we gotta hurry up and leave." donny said chuckling.

donny looked at mill. some shit wasn't right and donny could feel it.

"mill, what's good witchu." donny said and mill shrugged. "just some shit i'm thinking bout." mill said and donny nodded no finna get in to deep about it.

"aye can i get some assistance over here." donny asked as a women walked over. "yes sir?" she asked. "i would like this ring. please." donny said as the women looked at the price. "do you wanna know the price?" she asked.

"no, just ring it up." donny spoke.

sa'kani aaliyah

kani pulled up outside the gas station, grabbing her gun putting it in her waistband. she got out her truck walking inside. she grabbed an arizona and a big bag of hot cheetos.

she walked to the front, to the register paying for her things. "your total will be $7.43." mr.brown said. kani gave him a $10 bill. "keep the change." she said as she heard giggling coming from behind her.

she turned around getting a glimpse at the girl before walking outside. "shit." kani said to herself. she walked back inside.

she forgot to pay for her gas.

she got in line behind the girl as she was talking to somebody on the phone.

"girl you know that nigga mill i fucked weeks ago? girl i just seen his "girlfriend" in the store." the girl said turning around looking at kani when she said "girlfriend".

kani and mill had just started back talking now this shit? kani was so angry. when she first puts her trust in a boy shit goes down the drain.

kani chuckled at the girl as she walked out. "you know her?" mr. brown asked and kani shook her head.

mr. brown used to watch after kani when she used to runaway from her mom. kani grew up with a lot of problems at home and when she met donny everything changed.

she was grateful for donny. he was a big brother she never had.

"can i get 20 on pump..." kani looked at the pump outside. "pump 2." she said and mr. brown nodded as she walked out seeing the girl.

kani rolled her eyes. "girl yes! the dick was good! hell, he need to leave that hoe and come over here. i'll take care of his ass." the girl said and kani pumped her gas.

kani finished pumping her gas as she seen the girl just sitting in the parking lot.

kani walked over with her gun in her hand. kani rapped on the window with her gun signaling her to let it down. "you know me?" kani asked. "uh-no." the girl spoke. "do i know you?" kani asked and before the girl could say something kani did. "i don't think i don't. now next time you fell comfortable calling me a hoe or talking about my relationship you don't know SHIT ABOUT! you will get a bullet to the head. maybe too. now this my last warning and i promise you i will find where the fuck you live and set yo fucking flesh on fire!" kani said walking back to her car getting inside.

no wonder mill was acting the way he was acting 2 weeks ago. they had just got back cool like last weekend and then this bullshit. kani was done with this shit.

she was OVER IT.

she didn't need this shit on her back, so what her and mill had was gone.

courtney asani

courtney watched as jessica backed out the driveway with the twins and chyna in the backseat. Courtney poked out her bottom lip going to the living room plopping on the couch.

courtney was waiting on donny to get home because he needed to finish what he started. donny ate that cat last night while kani was watching the twins but donny had somethings to do at the trap.

donny has been distant to courtney and it causes courtney to think hard on what he's doing but she doesn't assume he's cheating.

she sat back bored waiting on somebody to come and knock on the door.

"ughhh, hurry the fuck up somebody!" courtney yelled in the house, only talking to herself.

she heard a knock on the door and she jumped up. "thank you lord." courtney spoke as she opened the door revealing and angry kani.

kani stormed in going in the kitchen. courtney started at the door. "well." courtney spoke closing it and walking in the living room.

she seen kani drinking out of donny's hennessy bottle. "kani! donny is gonna beat your ass for drinking his shit, and he gon beat mines cause i let you. i don't give a fuck, what's wrong?" courtney asked.

"i fucking hate niggas. i'm not doing no more god damn relationships. niggas just don't know how to keep their dick in there pants." kani spoke and courtney stared at her confused.

"kani what are you talking about?" courtney asked. "mill cheating ass! i almost had to kill one of his hoes at the gas station!" kani spoke then looked at me. "the twins here?" she asked courtney.

"no, they left with jessica not to long ago." courtney said. "but continue telling me what happened." courtney said.

"okay well..." kani was getting started

25 minutes later...

"awe pooh." courtney said hugging kani as she cried which was shocking. kani was always the big dog.

"stop. i'm not crying over that nigga. i'm crying because i let his ass play me. fuck what he do with that bitch. he ain't my nigga no more." kani said and courtney shook her head.

"well they finna be over here in a minute. donny and nem went somewhere, i have no idea." courtney said and kani shook her head. "he been keeping that shit in. no wonder why he wasn't talking to me 2 weeks ago. donny got some more hen?" kani asked. "yeah, i'll just have to buy him some more for his birthday tomorrow." courtney said.

courtney was gonna be spoiling donny. she got him so much shit. she was excited.

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