The Districts and Tributes

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My name is Katniss Everdeen, I am 16 years old and I live in district 12. District 12 is one of the most poor districts of all. I can shoot a bow and arrow into a squirrel's eye every time. In the square we have a Justice Building. Every district has one. I have a sister that is 12 years old. Her name is Primrose, but we call her Prim. Every district has a specialty. 1 is luxury, 2 is masonry, 3 is technology, 4 is fishing which has the youngest living victor of The Hunger Games history named Finnick Odair. He was 14 when he won. 5 is power, 6 is transportation, 7 is lumber, 8 is textiles, 9 is grain, 10 is livestock, 11 is agriculture and district 12 is mining. I can't remember much about the victors from each district, but I know that Johanna Mason is from district 7 and she is good with an axe. The Hunger Games is held every year. This year is the 74th annual Hunger Games. Every 25 years is a Quarter Quell, so that would be next year. Tomorrow is The Reaping Day. The reaping is to find out who the boy and girl tribute from each district is. My name has never been called. If somebody's name is called and somebody else volunteers to take their spot, they except that. Mainly districts 1 and 2 are the career pack. What makes them a career is that they train until they're about 17 or 18, then volunteer. They make allies with each other and then go kill everybody else. If you become an ally with someone, then make it until it is just you 2 left, you turn on each other and fight. The next morning Prim and I get ready for the reaping. Before we go, I give Prim my mockingjay pin for protection. We go, sign in and then line up with our age group. I'm lined up with the 16 year olds while Prim is lined up with the 12 year olds. All of a sudden we hear a, " Welcome, welcome, welcome. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor. " A video from the Capitol plays and it does not make a kid like the Hunger Games any better than they probably do. The ages to qualify for the Games is 12-18 years old. " It's time to select a brave young man and women to participate in this years Hunger Games. Ladies first." Effie Trinket says into the microphone. She goes over to the ladies bowl with names on paper inside. She takes about 30 seconds before she chooses one. I'm shocked by what name she says into the microphone.

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