✔ Part 5 ✔

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The Egos, Sides and the three creators all stayed in the living room, Bim announcing the portal from Marvin had now opened, the group crowding around where it was.

They waited, everyone silent, until the first people walked through the portal, which was Dark and Anti, and began to ask questions, everyone's voices drowning the others out, every word incoherent jumbles.

"Be quiet! Doctors, get him help." Dark ordered, passing Anti to Henrik, who ran into the ER they had in the house with Dr Iplier following his lead.

The others who had been injured, which was only minorly, were tended to by the people who had medical knowledge, such as Logan and Google, everyone inwardly freaking out that Anti was the one passed out and injured, seeing as he was one of the strongest people in the house.

"What happened, dudes?" Bing finally spoke up, wary about the situation at hand, glancing at the people who went out, Chase sitting beside him.

{{This is just Jackie and the others explaining what happened in the last chapter to the others who weren't there, skip if you wish, I'll put another checkpoint down their when they're finished}}

Jackie sighed, sitting down as he began telling the others what happened as soon as he and Anti split off from everyone else, "When Anti and I went into the forest, we heard a buzzing sound and followed it, finding ourselves at a cabin.

"We went in 'cause we were curious about the random cabin in the woods. I was picking up random things because, y' know, I'm stupid. There was a weird thing sitting on top of a fireplace and I told Anti to come over. It looked like a weird-ass monkey figure."

"I pulled at the thing, a trap door opened under us and we both fell in," Jackie continued, now using hand motions as he explained, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried remembering everything. "We went to the door at the end of the corridor and opened it and walked in. We were looking around when Anti grabbed my arm and started running towards the door to get out of the place.

"Until the door closed before we could get to it, Actor standing in the way. Actor had two of his minions put guns to our heads and made us sit down on chairs that strapped our arms and legs on the chair, making sure we couldn't get out.

"Then you called Anti's phone and, as you already know, Actor took it and answered the call, so and so. He shot Anti and when he hung up he must've knocked me out because that's all I remember."

Everyone listened to Jackie's story, nodding every now and then when needed as they looked around at each other.

"So, what happened when you guys got there?" Remy asked, a Starbucks coffee in one hand while the other rested on their hip, wishing they had been there as it seemed cool.

"Well," Marvin began, sighing as he remembered it. "When we went into the room, Anti and Jackie were lying on the ground with one of Actor's cult men standing over them, probably guarding them so we couldn't just grab them and leave.

"Actor was standing near them and he told us he wouldn't give us them back unless Dark handed himself over, for whatever reason, I don't know. While that was happening, I made a statue fall over and it crushed about eight of Actor's goons. After that, I shot magic at Actor and it knocked him out."

"Actor's helpers started attacking us because we hurt Actor," Roman continued, Virgil leaning on his shoulder lightly. "We were starting to lose the fight when Anti told Virgil to use his powers. Virgil shot... purple blobs at all of the men and then they just... they were suddenly on the floor."

"And that's basically it," Chase informed, messing with his hat in his hands. "Apart from Anti passing out, that is."

{{Checkpoint --- They're done explaining the last chapter}}

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