✔ Part 26 ✔

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It had been two weeks and Actor hadn't come to get Rick, the shapeshifter, and everyone starting to doubt if Actor was even coming to save him in the first place.

Well, most Egos and Sides had a doubt from when they first heard the plan, knowing Actor wouldn't even care, he could always find new people to serve for him as henchmen.

"He's definitely not coming now," Anti said, watching as he threw his knife up only for it to get stuck in the ceiling, the demon humming as he watched it wobble.

A few others nodded, all thinking the villain would never show up.

Dark sighed, "He'll come. He's just waiting until we all think he isn't, then he'll strike."

"Will he be coming for Rick?" Asked Remus, sitting crisscrossed beside Anti on the floor, the latter laying on the couch. "If he doesn't, can we kill the guy? He's annoying me with the amount of noise he makes in that room."

Bim sighed, pushing his glasses further up his face as he looked over at the second Creative Side, "No, we aren't killing him, even if it would make most of us happy. And Anti, don't throw the knife up there. It almost hit Virgil the other day."

Remus pouted while Anti shrugged, catching the knife as it fell towards his face.

"Let's face it," Chase started, kicking himself up from the wall he leant on. "He won't come. Let's just go on with our lives."

'How about we go to sleep and talk about it again in the morning, it's already one AM' Jameson signed, everyone nodding and going to their rooms apart from the doctors and Logan.

"Let's see how this guy is doing," Caleb said after entering the medical area in the house, trying to turn on the monitor that would show them what the camera in Rick's room was seeing.

"It won't work," the Iplier said, clicking a few more buttons on his keyboard that was hooked to the monitor.

"Let me try," Logan said, trying to fix it, his fingers pressing buttons and flicking switches expertly, the male stepping back with his eyebrows furrowed. "I can't seem to get it working."

"I'll go check ze room," the German doctor said, opening the door that led to the basement, which was where the shapeshifter's 'room' was.

The doctor cautiously opened the door, looking around before letting out a sigh as he saw Rick on the bed.

Henrik walked further into the room until he stood beside the bed Rick was laying in, the German doctor glaring at the unconscious man.

Henrik's eyes widened as he gasped, a cold hand moving in front of his face and covering his mouth, dragging him to the far corner of the room where a large hole was made, being in the corner that was out of sight from the camera on the wall, that still wasn't working.

The doctor tried struggling but nothing worked as he was dragged backwards, the male kicking and elbowing the person that he was being dragged by.

The Septic looked backwards, his eyes widening once more when he spotted Actor with a sickening grin on his face, dragging him into the hole and up the tunnel that was dug.


"What is taking Henrik so long?" Logan asked, raising his eyebrows as he still tried to get the cameras to work, the monitor beeping a few times, but still not showing the footage from the camera.

Caleb shrugged, about to say something until the camera turned on with a buzz, showing Actor dragging Rick away with Henrik nowhere to be seen in the camera's vision.

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