✔ Part 19 ✔

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Schneep stared at Anti's unconscious body, crouching down beside him as he tried to find a way to figure out what was wrong with him.

He had tried everything so far, but couldn't find anything, neither could the other doctor.

The Septic then stood again, his brows furrowing as he held his hand over his mouth, seeming to be in deep thought.

Suddenly, Dr Iplier burst through the door, startling Henrik from his train of thought, the latter jumping in surprise.

"I've found a way to find out what's wrong!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide, looking like he had been up for days - but it had only been a few hours at most.

"Vat iz it?" Henrik inquired, stepping towards the other male, wondering how the Iplier found out what was wrong before he could, the Septic deeming himself more intelligent than the Iplier.

"Take an x-ray of his brain and we'll see if I'm correct," Caleb (Let' just say that's his name) said, Henrik furrowing his eyebrows before he went on a search for the equipment he needed for the operation.


While the two doctors were working on the three brainwashed egos, the others were sitting, or standing, in the living room.

"What do you think is wrong with them?" Patton asked, still shaken up about what had happened, small, almost unnoticeable, scars littering his body from the knives he had gotten stabbed with as he rubbed his arms, Logan letting the father figure lean on him.

Bing sighed, sitting beside Chase who was staring at the ground, "I don't have a clue, but hopefully they find a way to fix it because I need someone to annoy. Take Dark for an example."

Chase rolled his eyes, "Dude, you can't annoy them as soon as they get out. We can annoy Dark and Anti when the doctors say they are okay."

Remy smirked, holding a Starbucks coffee in one hand as he leaned on the wall nearby, "I'm in for pestering the shit out of people, so count me in."

"I'll join too!" Remus grinned, raising his hand as if he were in school, his eyes glistening with mischief.

'No one is doing anything to them,' Jameson signed, having thought they would have known better than to mess with the two demons, especially after what went down not too long ago.

The four's faces instantly deflated, Remus crossing his arms like a child that got his favourite toy taken away from him while Chase whined with his shoulders slumped.

The two doctors ran out of the room they were in, the others quickly directing their attention to the two of them when Henrik cleared his throat.

"We've found out what's wrong with them," Caleb said, looking around the group with widened eyes, panting slightly as he was only after running around the house.

"Zere is something inside zeir brainz. Me and Dr Iplier have guessed it is a mechanical chip of some sort," Henrik continued, the other doctor nodding at the information given out.

"How are you going to get it out of their heads without either killing them or causing them extreme brain damage?" Google inquired, wondering if the two were qualified enough to do this.

Dr Iplier was about to say something before frowning, pursing his lips before saying, "We haven't quite figured that out."

"Thought so," Logan said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "That is why it is satisfactory for me to help."

"Right," Henrik said, gesturing in the direction of the operating room they conveniently had in the house.

The three entered through the door, Logan looking at the x-ray results while nodding before turning to look at the doctors.

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